Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Small Citizens


Dennis Prager narrates a Prager U video of 5 minutes entitled, The Bigger The Government. I took notes on the video which I will write out below and comment on when appropriate.


Prager: The bigger the government, the small the citizen. This important and unique realization America was such a unique success, a free and affluent country.


My response: I with my political concept of anarchist-individuator supercitizen, introduces the opposite suggestion that the larger the citizen, the smaller the government and that is the size ration between government and its per capita citizen that we must strive towards. If 176 million American adults were maverizing supercitizens, our country would be freer, happier, and richer than any country in the world.


Government with its functionaries, rules and intervention in personal lives is a hierarchy that needs strong curtailing.


Prager: Everything gets smaller as government gets bigger: liberty, goodness, human character all get smaller.


Government can and must do certain thing: police, national defense, firefighters, and courts.


We must allow churches, non-profits, private charities, and families to support the poor and disenfranchised, with a small federal welfare net as a last resort.


Under big government, socialist Europe there is less goodness and charity than in America with smaller government. Americans give more of their own time and money than do Europeans.


With large government, moral character declines as socialist people do not take care of themselves, or take care of others. If you could care for yourself and do not, you are selfish and irresponsible.


Often welfare recipients feel entitled: that the public owes it to them to take care of them. You in return do not have to take care of anyone.


Once one feels entitle, other bad character traits appear: ingratitude and resentment. The more they get that they have not earned, the less grateful they feel for receiving it, and they resent it when their benefits are reduced.


The more government, the less liberty, because as laws and bureaucratic rules increase, personal liberty declines.


The bigger the government, the more fraud and theft occur for people are not angels and boundless power and wealth leads to abuses.


The Founders favored small government to allow for more freedom and more opportunity.



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