Sunday, June 30, 2024

Pride Month


June is designated as Pride Month for the LGBTQ+ community. That is fine as far as it goes, but they are barking up the wrong tree.


What I believe flies in the face of anyone having a pride month for what group they belong to because collective pride is empty and meaningless.


The near innumerable intersectional range of different groups or categories that each individual belongs to is interesting, and is their initial identity source, but, only individual pride or healthy self-esteem grounded in what one has achieved as an individuators, that is real pride, the only one that counts.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Coming Awake


From his book The Ordeal of Change (written between 1952 and 1963), Eric Hoffer in Chapter 2 (The Awakening of Asia) writes about what happens to sleepy peoples when drastic change startles them awake. I will quote the entire essay, from Page 6 through 13, paragraph by paragraph, and then comment on what he wrote.


Hoffer: “The tendency is to ascribe the present revolution in Asia to Communist agitation, or see it as an upheaval against foreign domination or misrule by corrupt native governments. Though there is a large element of truth in these views they somehow fail to go to the heart of the matter.”


My response: I have often commented elsewhere upon Hofferian paradox, his knack for pointing out what the world claims is happening, versus what is really going on, and what he ascribes as what is going on. His writer’s resort to this device of paradox often comes across as counterintuitive to the reader, but Hoffer is usually right.


In this particular essay, he is pointing out that, at the heart of the matter, the awakened Asian peoples were upset, because much disruptive change has occurred, and then revolt against the native status quo arose, driven not so much by Communists, anti-colonial native resentment, or native repulsion of corrupt native governments, but by the loss of traditional values and culture, the shattering of being groupist in a warm, communal existence.


Hoffer: “The nations of Asia have for uncounted centuries submitted to one conqueror after another and been misruled, looted and bled by both foreign and native oppressors without letting out a peep. If then the masses are now rising in protest, it is not because domination and corrupt have become unduly oppressive, but because the masses today are not what they were in the past. Something has happened to change their temper. We are told, it is true, that an awakening has taken place in Asia. But if this ‘awakening’ is to be more than a metaphor, it must refer to specific changes in individual attitudes, inclinations, and aspirations. We ought to know what these changes are and how they were brought about.


My response: Hoffer often disagrees with standard explanations.


Hoffer: “The same is true of Communist agitation: its effectiveness is Asia is due less to the potency of the propaganda than to the temper of the people it is trying to propagandize. When not backed by force, Communist propaganda can persuade people only of what they want to believe, and it can make headway only when it gives people something they desperately desire. It seems obvious that we cannot began to speculate on the state of affairs in Asia unless we have a fairly clear idea of the individual attitudes, inclinations, and, above all, desires prevailing there at present. What is it that the ill-fed, ill-clad, and ill-housed masses in China, India, and Indonesia, etc., so desperately desire?


Economic theory can give only a dull and unconvincing answer. One thinks of the shouting and marching, and the sea of upturned faces one has seen in newsreels and photographs—grimacing, passionate faces, each framing a gaping mouth. One wonders what is going on behind these faces and what is it that the gaping mouths shout. Do they shout for bread, clothing, and houses? Do they clamor for the good things of life? Do they call for freedom and justice? No. The clamor that is rising all over the Orient is a clamor for pride. The masses in Asia will sacrifice every economic benefit they have, and their lives too, to satisfy their craving for pride. The sea of open mouths roars defiance and not economic grievances and demands. As we shall see, this clamoring for pride is a characteristic manifestation of the process of awakening, and it is by probing the nature of this process that we are most likely to reach the core of our problem.”


My response: Hoffer, the latent egoist moralist, is an absolute expert on groups and their social and governmental living arrangements and relationships. I believe he implicitly suggests that that all humans would find sanity, goodness, the good life, and happiness, if they were individuators.


Asian peoples, even more collectivistic than Westerners, though in no way inferior, lived for thousands of years in very tight collectivities, grounded in altruist-collectivist morality.


As long as their traditional way of life and their group structures were intact, these peoples endured tyranny, want, suffering and human rights abuses, without much radical outrage and revolt. When they were recently awakened from their traditional collectivist slumbers, they were deprived of their group pride in their traditional values, structures and social dispensation. No people can live without pride, so this is why they were or seemed ready to revolt by the 1950s; they were less angry about suffering injustice, than they were about losing their communal culture and collectivities that so long comforted them warmly and tribally kept any hint of individualism per person at bay. I believe this is what Hoffer is leading up to—this interpretation of Asian unrest.


If I am correct in suggesting that Hoffer is a moral egoist, then he would likely accept that wholesome, realistic self-esteem is healthy pride, positive pride. It is an earned state of self-consciousness, always provisional, always based upon one’s moral character and accomplishments, never granted for life. One must reinforce being proud of one’s character and accomplishments by continual self-realizing anew each day for a lifetime.


If Asian peoples, as historically, radically groupist as they are, when jolted awake by drastic, rapid change—as they were in the 19th and 20th century—found their traditional collectivities and cultural narratives shattered or crumbling, it is understandable that the kind of collective self-esteem, or group/national/ tribal or racial pride that they felt and paraded would be so diminished and reduced, that they might well be motivated to grab onto substitute sources of collective self-esteem or tribal pride in their country, in Communist agitation, in revolutionary ideology.


Neither individualist nor groupist can long endure life’s uncertainties, struggling and suffering without a compensatory sense of pride, and collective self-esteem is the eagerly required pride that these Asian peoples sought after. I think this is what Hoffer is alluding to as the cause of much of the upheaval and turmoil roiling Asia in the 50s when he wrote this essay.


Hoffer: “To say that the impact of the West was a chief factor in the awakening of Asia is not to say that it was oppression and exploitation by the Western colonial powers that did it. For not only are oppression and exploitation an old story in Asia, but the colonial regimes of the British in India and of the Dutch in Indonesia were fairly beneficent—more so perhaps than any regime those countries ever had or are likely to have for some time. I am convinced that were the Western colonial powers a hundred times more beneficent, and had they been animated from the very beginning by the purest philanthropic motives, their impact on the Orient would still have had the fateful consequences we are witnessing at present. For Western influence, irrespective of its intentions, almost always brought a fateful change wherever it penetrated, and it is this change that is at the root of the present revolutionary unrest.”


My response: I concur: unsettling change that shattered the group structures and memes did upend and dislodge millions upon millions of Asians, so they sought mass movement like substituted collective pride, and a place to hide from their spoiled, frustrated personal lives. Collectivized peoples become explosive and passionate when encountering violent, prodigious social upheaval.


Hoffer: The change I had in mind is of a specific nature—the weakening and cracking of the communal framework. Everywhere in Asia before the advent of Western influence the individual was integrated into a more or less compact group—a patriarchal family, a clan or tribe, a cohesive rural or urban unit, a compact religious or political body. From birth to death the individual felt himself part of a continuous eternal whole. He never felt alone, never felt lost, never saw himself as a speck of life floating in an eternity of nothingness. By trade, legislation, education, industrialization, and by example, it cracked and corroded the traditional way of life, and drained existing communal structures of their prestige and effectiveness. The Western colonial powers offered individual freedom. They tried to shake the Oriental out of his lethargy, rid him of his ossified traditionalism, and infect him with a craving for self-advancement. The result was not emancipation but isolation and exposure. An immature individual was torn from the warmth and security of a corporate existence and left orphaned and empty in a cold world. It was this shock of abandonment and exposure which brought about the awakening of Asia. The crumbling of the corporate body, with the abandonment of the individual to his own devices, is always a critical phase in social development. The newly emerging individual can attain some degree of stability and eventually become inured to the burdens and strains of individual existence only when he is offered abundant opportunities for self-assertion and self-realization. He needs an environment in which achievement, acquisition, sheer action, or the development of his capacities and talents seems within easy reach. It is only thus that he can acquire the self-confidence and the self-esteem that makes an individual existence bearable or even exhilarating.”


My response: I believe Hoffer is articulate and accurate in describing how the mid-twentieth century awakening of Asia roused in those awakened groupists a burning need for replacement ism, culture and social collectivities to substitute for their traditional communal existence, now threatened or severely altered; their replacement collectivist institutions were sought by them to serve up to them on a platter, a substitute collective pride in themselves and their way of life, to stand in for their lost group pride in their traditional collectivities and cherished ways of life.


What a Mavellonialist like me can offer Asians and all earthlings, is some basic training in living as an individuating supercitizen, who learns to provide his own abundant opportunities for self-assertion and self-realization. Concomitantly, he can substitute real pride or self-esteem for fleeting group-pride or unearned pride in his groupist associations, and their justifying stories.


Hoffer: “Where self-confidence and self-esteem seem unattainable, the emerging individual becomes a highly explosive entity.”


My response: Here is where a culture and society of individuators, politically free, living their egoist ethics as free marketers in a law-abiding, peaceful society, would invent their own access to activities that would offer them self-confidence and self-esteem. A nation of individuating supercitizens would emerge and evolve as self-esteeming maverizers. They would be change, welcome change, and do change at room temperature, with little or no need to resort to political upheaval, revolution, war, or violence to effect needed or unavoidable social change. Supercitizens would not become frustrated, passionate, true believers desperately seeking explosive change to construct a makeshift, collective home to hide from themselves inside of.


Were the lifestyle of individuating to become popular and accessible among the Asian masses, they would not only endure and survive bracing change, but they would welcome it, flourish in its introduction swirling around them. They would then do change without becoming scared, confused, lost, angered or mass-movementized. They would embrace change, find, and keep their individual pride and self-esteem; to accomplish these goals, they would have to have abandoned their natural craving for herd-living as nonindividuators, who justify their evil and mediocrity, resorting to a web of lies which we can name collective-self-esteem. As maverizing supercitizens, their basically conservative natures would absorb waves of change without change, that historical march of time and action, without this ontological, invading inevitability much hurting them.


Hoffer: “He tries to derive a sense of confidence and worth by embracing some absolute truth and by identifying himself with the spectacular doings of a leader or some collective body—be it a nation, a congregation, a party, or a mass movement. He and his like become a breeding ground of convulsions and upheavals that shake a society to its foundations. It needs a rare constellation of circumstances if the transition from a communal to an individual existence is to run its course without being diverted or reversed by catastrophic complications”


My response: This remarkable man wrote this paragraph, perhaps as early as 1952, perhaps as late as 1963. Hoffer the genius and kind man long ago sensed that people were not born basically good and that innate-per-person, self-loathing, or self-hatred, or lacking self-esteem is the essence of being born evil. Selflessness, or group-orientedness, is the natural, human affliction. As long as a people like the Asians lived within their compact communal structures, with its collectivist culture and inherited mythologies to comfort people personally, to allow them to live and die as change and the history unfolds each day in their lives, they were able to remain largely hidden from beckoning God, and the horrible responsibility to run their own lives.


When drastic change and history smash that traditional, communal cocoon, in which they reside and hide eagerly from themselves, the masses are awakened, no longer able to feel proud of themselves with that false, shallow, substitute, unfulfilling sense of collective pride or group-driven self-esteem, they awaken, angry, bitter, confused, resentful, frightened, seeking radical ideology and mass-movement allegiance to restore some semblance of their collective pride.


 The superior alternative, when facing drastic change, is to come fully awake, to self-realize, to leave the group and individual-live, that is the last thing that they resolve to do. Who wants to stand on one’s own resources and efforts, in a lonely, cold reality, and self-develop and go against the group, to be ostracized and persecuted, just to maverize and then feel some merited sense of self-esteeming or personal pride?


I would suggest that the Mavellonialist, emerging culture of citizens as adult individuating supercitizens will offer the American Way as a successful pathway for the people of the world to evolve out of communal existence into a community of individual existing.


Hoffer: “Europe at the turn of the fifteenth century witnessed a similar release of the individual from the corporate pattern of an all-embracing Church. At the beginning, the release was accidental. A weakened and discredited Church lost its hold on the minds and souls of the people of Europe. There too, the emergence of the individual was less a deliberate emancipation than an abandonment. But how different were the attending circumstances then from what they are now in Asia. The emerging European individual at the end of the Middle Ages faced breathtaking vistas of new continents just discovered, new trade routes just opened up, the prospect of fabulous empires yet to be stumbled upon, and new knowledge unlocked by the introduction of paper and printing. The air was charged with great expectations and there was a feeling abroad that by the exercise of his capacities and talents and with the aid of good fortune the individual on his own was equal to any undertaking at home or across the sea.”


My response: Hoffer turns to European history coming out of the Middle Ages to make his case that the precedent for the rise of individualism in Asia in the mid-20th century was undertaken by Europeans over 400 years earlier. It seems as if the rise of individualism on earth is largely a European and Western story and adventure, but it needs to become the story of individuals that maverize among all peoples, of all races, of all backgrounds, from every country on earth.


The emancipation of the individual as individuators, from the shackles and chains of miserable slavery as individuals as groupists who are nonindividuators, will be the adventure and opportunity of the rest of the 21st century, and this hopefully gentle revolution must be consciously planned and put into practiced everywhere for all, Asians, and non-Asians.


We are smart creatures—when we want to be-Dr. Stephen Hicks is always reminding us: this indicates we can devise free, lawful, peaceful, free-market economies and social structures which give each earthling the fabulous opportunity to do her thing and become the best version of herself. The challenge is there, but abundance, resources and wealth either are available or we can fabricate them, to nudge all to find a means to leave behind communal existence, embracing individual existence, and the needed source of pride (genuine, earned self-esteem) is available to each maverizing maverizer, as they endure daily change as we earthlings pass through time, change and history, all metaphysical, unstoppable, realities.


Hoffer: “Thus by a fortuitous combination of circumstances, the fateful change from a communal to an individual existence produced an outburst of vitality that has since been characteristic of the Occident and marks it off from any other civilization. Yet even so, the transition was not altogether smooth. The convulsions of the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation stemmed from the fears and passionate intensities of people unequal to the burdens and strains of an individual existence.”


My response: We cannot imagine how our economy, knowledge, talent, and high culture will almost unlimitedly grow in quantity and surpassing excellence as the masses in all or any country pass from communal existing to individual existing as individuators and supercitizens.


If we teach our young to be stoic, rational, and calm, no matter how much chaos, catastrophe, war, and social upheaval surrounds them, to maverize and think of ways to build a new way of peaceful, civilized, lawful, free societal living, then these indviduator citizens will be able to find self-esteem without joining ideology-driven mass movements. They will sustain and enjoy the individual existence, without resorting to groupism and meretricious group-driven, collectivist self-esteem.


Hoffer: “No such exceptional combination of circumstances attended the crumbling of communal life in Asia. There the awakening of the individual occurred in a landscape strewn with the litter and rubble of the centuries. Instead of being stirred and lured by the breath-taking prospects and undreamt-of opportunities, he finds himself mired in a life that is stagnant, debilitated, and inordinately meager. It is a world where human life is most plentiful and cheapest thing, and where millions of hungry hands grab at the meanest prize and meagerest morsel. It is, moreover, an illiterate world, where even rudimentary education confers distinction and lifts a man above the common run of toiling humanity. The articulate minority is thus prevented from acquiring a sense of usefulness and worth in the world’s work, and is condemned to a life of chattering, posturing pseudo-intellectuals.”


My response: We no longer require a world with such huge, intricate hierarchies and institutions, especially governmental ones, beyond a lean, minimal set envisioned by Ayn Rand and America’s Founders, our constitutional republic, and our capitalist economy.


Where each person is not minimally but is highly educated and self-realizing (the majority of adults), then each maverizers can work in private enterprise in some capacity, and feel useful and worthy and still maverize, without elites running much of anything.


Hoffer: “The rabid extremist in present-day Asia is usually a man of some education who has a horror of manual labor and who develops a mortal hatred for a social order that denies him a position of command. Every student, every minor clerk and officeholder, every petty member of the professions feels himself one of the chosen.”


My response: It is human nature not to like ourselves, and we are desperate to gain needed group pride, that  fake, substitute groupist self-esteem (A lie told by Satan, other group-members and by the self to the self, the lie that living as a nonindivdiuator hiding in the herd is a basis for feeling the self is worthy, where the self-sought pleasure and ease and never pushed the self-much while alive. God is displeased.)


We can gain this negative, false group-pride by being part of the ruling elite, or a popular, conformist insider with tangible social rank and respect in the social hierarchy of one’s clique. When modestly educated people are able to rise above the masses, to rule the masses and look down upon them, this corrupting temptation is almost impossible for any of us to resist succumbing to. This is how power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Hoffer: “It is these wordy, futile people who set the tone in Asia. Living barren, useless lives, they are without self-confidence and self-respect, and their craving is for the illusion of weight and importance, and for the explosive substitutes of pride and faith.”


My response: The only workable, enduring defense, the masses can resort to defeat and contain educated, nonindividuating, collectivized, power-addicted, true-believing elitists and their mass movement addiction to the explosive substitutes for positive individual pride, collective pride and faith, is to unite and organize among themselves and raise themselves up by their bootstraps as individuating supercitizens that rule and ordered about all elites that used to run the country. This could work in any country on earth.


Hoffer: “It is chiefly to these pseudointellectuals that Communist Russia directs its appeal. It brings them the promise of membership in a ruling elite, the prospect of having a hand in the historical process, and, by its doctrinaire double-talk, provides them with some sense of weight and depth.


As to the illiterate masses, the appeal of Communist preaching does not lie in its ‘truths,’ but in the vague impression it conveys to them that they and Russia are partners in some tremendous, unprecedented undertaking—the building of a proud future that will surpass and put to naught all the ‘things that are.’”


My response: The awakened frustrated masses joined the Communist mass movement because it offered them the best chance to find a new ism and social order where their collective pride and cocoon to hide from the self, could be reestablished—and the revolutionary story and new collectivities seemed so appealing, modern, and up to date.


Hoffer: “The crucial fact about the awakening of Asia is that it did not come from an accession of strength. It was not brought about by a gradual or sudden increase of material, intellectual, or moral powers, but by the shock of abandonment and exposure. It was an awakening brought about by a poignant sense of weakness.”


My response: It does not matter if the awakening is brought about by a poignant sense of weakness. The change occurred. History has spoken, so we need to help peoples become individuating supercitizens with earned, wholesome, justifiable self-esteem and personal pride. This is ideally what the awakening of a people should lead to.


Hoffer: “And we must know something about the mentality and potentialities of the weak if we are to understand the present temper of the people in awakening Asia.


It is often said that power corrupts. But it is perhaps equally important to realize that weakness, too, corrupts. Power corrupts the few, while weakness corrupts the many.”


My response: The power of powerfulness does not corrupt, and this power is the innate power given by the Divine Couple to each baby so she can maverize and make the kingdom of God be expanded and maintained on earth while she is alive on her watch. She, if she obeyed the Light Couple and becomes willfully a maverizing supercitizen, then she will allow no other human, an elite or a mob, to rob her of her share of power or entice her to rob other individuators of their share of divine power allotted them to make something of their lives.


The evil power of powerlessness is what Hoffer is referring to above. That dark and cruel form of power corrupts the few, the elite, but these putatively selfish users and monsters are selfless and other-interested for the most part. They are groupist parasites and criminals, living off the herd that they exploit, abuse and dictate to.


They are the sadists who have gathered all or most available all the power and money for themselves, these rulers inflict the power of powerlessness upon the masses who freely choose submit to them. Thusly the many are corrupted by their weakness, their voluntary, masochistic willingness to be abused slaves without power or resources; this stunted, miserable existence is what they settle for and believe this is what they deserve. Their real motive is to hide in the enslaved, nonindividuating group, just so they can avoid individually awakening, confronting the Good Spirits, taking up their personal burden and cross of individuating, to develop their talents and capacities to help run and expand God’s kingdom on earth.


Hoffer: “Hatred, malice, rudeness, intolerance, and suspicion are the fruits of weakness. The resentment of the weak does not spring from any injustice done to them but from the sense of their inadequacy and impotence. We cannot win the weak by sharing our wealth with them. They feel our generosity as oppression. St. Vincent de Paul cautioned his disciples to deport themselves so the poor ‘will forgive you the bread you give them.’ But this requires, in both giver and receiver, a vivid awareness of God who is the father of all, and a living mastery of the religious idiom which we of this day do not, and perhaps cannot, have in full measure. Nor can we win the weak by sharing our hope, pride, or even hatred with them. We are too far ahead materially and too different in our historical experience to serve as an object of identification. Our healing gift to the weak is the capacity for self-help. We must learn how to impart to them the technical, social, and political skills which would enable them to get bread, human dignity, freedom, and strength by their own efforts.



My hunch is that in mastering the art or the technique of helping the weak to help themselves we shall solve some of the critical problems which confront us, not only in our foreign relations but also in our domestic affairs.”


My response: My response: I believe Hoffer the atheist was a wise and kind as well as a brilliant philosopher. When he points out above how hatred, malice, rudeness, intolerance, and suspicion are fruits of weakness, he is pointing out that evil thinking and evil behavior are crops planted in the soil of the individual soul, in his selfless, altruistic, nonindividuating, group-living role, where selflessness, group-orientedness and self-hatred that are the spiritual core of his individual consciousness. His poignant awareness of his shabby personhood necessarily causes the bubbling into his human, social consciousness from the subconscious and unconscious of this suffering human, such awful, antisocial attitudes, and behaviors.


The strong for Hoffer are those that are the ruling elites, but he also seems to suggest that the strong are individual and individuators without much social or institutional power beyond their slightly upper middle-class position.


For Hoffer, the weak are the ruled, subjugated, suffering masses, but the weak are also those that wield the power of powerlessness, whether they are the ruling elite, or the subjugated masses, who all support and put up with group-living and hierarchical strata and misallocation of power, money, liberty, and resources.


Hoffer the wise wants peoples in the developed West, and everywhere, to engage in self-help, so they can save themselves. Only they will they feel real pride in their earned status and victories. If we could encourage people to maverize, that would greatly assist them on the road to self-helping.



Sunday, June 16, 2024

Shocking Change


In his book, The Ordeal of Change, from Pages 1 to 5, Eric Hoffer writes a Chapter 1 essay called drastic change, which I quote and then comment on.


Hoffer (H after this): “It is my impression that no one really likes the new. We are afraid of it. It is not only as Dostoevsky put it that ‘taking a new step, uttering a new word is what people fear most.’ Even in slight things the experience of the new is rarely without some stirring of foreboding.”


My response: We are naturally very conservative, passive, fatalistic creatures who would avoid encounters with the new at all costs, if necessity would not prevent us from dealing with irksome change.


H: “Back in 1936 I spent a good part of the year picking peas. I started out early in January in the Imperial Valley and drifted northward, picking peas as they ripened, until I picked the last peas of the season, in June, around Tracy. Then I shifted all the way back to Lake Country, where for the first time I was going to pick string beans. And I still remember how hesitant I was that first morning as I was about to address myself to the string bean vines. Would I be able to pick string beans? Even the change from peas to string beans had in it elements of fear.”


My response: To fear the new is typical, but one must possess the will and confidence to give it a try, and then see if one can handle these changes.


H: “In the case of drastic change the uneasiness is of course deeper and most lasting. We can never be really prepared for that which is wholly new. We have to adjust ourselves, and every radical adjustment is a crisis of self-esteem: we undergo a test, we have to prove ourselves. It needs inordinate self-confidence to face drastic change without inner trembling.”


My response: Change is a given part of life, and the crisis of self-esteem is a hit that all people are inflicted with as they fumble forward trying on the new. Hoffer, the implicitly egoist moralist, intuitively sensed that the ideal, desirable, and wholesome psychological state that the modern human must adopt, possess and become is to a person of high personal confidence and high self-esteem requisite for each human to be strong enough to, and sure of the self enough to survive and work her way through being unavoidably buffeted by the winds of change.


Hoffer: “The simple fact that we can never be fit and ready for that which is wholly new has some peculiar results. It means that a population undergoing drastic change is a population of misfits, and misfits live and breathe in an atmosphere of passion. There is a close connection between lack of confidence and the passionate state of mind and, as we shall see, passionate intensity may serve as a substitute for confidence. The connection can be observed in all walks of life. A workingman sure of his skill goes leisurely about his job and accomplishes much though he works as if at play. On the other hand, the workingman new to his trade attacks his work as if he were saving the world, and he must do so if he is to get anything done at all. The same is true of a soldier. A well-trained soldier will fight well even when not stirred by strong feeling. His morale is good because his thorough training gives him a sense of confidence. But the untrained solder will give a good account of himself only when only when animated by faith and enthusiasm. Cromwell used to say that the common folk needed ‘the fear of God before them’ to match the soldierly cavaliers. Faith, enthusiasm and passionate intensity in general are substitutes for self-confidence born of experience and the possession of skill. Where there is the necessary skill to move mountains there is no need for the faith that moves mountains.”


My response: Hoffer is advising that drastic change is the constant modern destabilizing factors undermining people self-confidence, their sense of fitness and competence. When people are reduced to being passionate misfits, then mass movements and social chaos flourish, and that is undesirable.


Faith is a good deity, enthusiasm about our pursuits and some passionate intensities are healthy, as long as one internally controls and moderates them by balancing them with reasonableness, calmness, confidence and skill.


This dispassionate stoic, especially an individuators, will be misfitted and daunted when encountering massive change, like anyone else, but with his self-training, self-confidence and unwillingness to abandon to self no matter what happens externally, he will possess the self-possession and skill to flail around like everyone else embracing the wholly new, until he stumbles into ways to cope with it and make it manageable, so he is stabilized, calm, competetent and confident. It seems that Hoffer could suggest that this individuators’s approach to handling drastic change is one way for humans to survive the modern age.


H: “As I said, a population subjected to drastic change is a population of misfits—unbalanced, explosive and hungry for action. Action if the most obvious way by which to gain confidence and prove our worth, and it is also a reaction against loss of balance—a swinging and flailing of the arms to regain one’s balance and keep afloat. Thus drastic change is one of the agencies which release men’s energies,, but certain conditions have to be present if the shock of change is to turn people into effective men of action: There must be an abundance of opportunities, and there must be a tradition of self-reliance. Given these conditions, a population subjected to drastic change will plunge into an orgy of action.”


My response: If a population were individuators, highly self-reliant and so confident and self-regarding, that crises, drastic change, and colossal personal failure will frustrate them and slow them down, without their falling apart. Either rich opportunity and chance for action will allow them to fill fit, worthy and compensating, or they will invent their own opportunities out of nothing—they will not be stopped or thwarted for very long.


H: “The millions of immigrants dumped on our shores after the Civil War underwent a tremendous change, and it was a highly irritating and painful experience. Not only were they transferred, almost overnight, to a wholly foreign world, but they were, for the most part torn from the warm communal existence of a small town or village somewhere in Europe and exposed to the cold and dismal isolation of an individual existence. They were misfits in every sense of the word, and ideal material for revolutionary explosion. But they had a vast continent at their disposal, and fabulous opportunities for self-advancement, and an environment which held self-reliance and individual enterprise in high esteem. And so these immigrants from stagnant small towns and villages in Europe plunged into a mad pursuit of action. They tamed and mastered a continent in an incredibly short time, and we are still in the backwash of that mad pursuit.”


My response: Hoffer studied, learned from and offers lessons to be learned from American history. Groupist peoples need not joint mass movements or revolutionary movements as passionate misfits fleeing their rotten, detested personal lives.


Given training as individualists and egoists, especially individuators, in a free market, republican society, they can create wealth and build a life for themselves, including a calm, pleasing existence where they fit in, and have fabricated a world fit to match their new natures.


H: “Things are different when people are subjected to drastic change find only meager opportunities for action or when they cannot, or are not allowed to, attain self-confidence and self-esteem by individual pursuits. In this case, the hunger for confidence, for worth and for balance directs itself towards the attainments of substitutes. The substitute for self-confidence is faith; the substitute for self-esteem is pride; and the substitute for individual balance is fusion with others in a compact group.”


My response: Where people are born into countries that are authoritarian in governmental structure, and feudalist or communist economically, there, there will be only meager opportunities for action, money-making, and business ventures so remarkably plentiful and uplifting in a free society of free market economic.


Where people cannot gain self-confidence and self-esteem by personal effort, they must settle for intoxicating, enticing but ultimately toxic substitutes, all with the selves having fled into various collectivist arrangements where the self can escape the guilt of being a blemished individual.


Rational faith in God is uplifting, but overly passionate faith if a good deity or in any ism is a form of demon worship. It is collectivist pride in one’s ism, mass movement or group that substitutes for lost self-esteem. The poor substitute for individual balance is fusion with others in the compact group, the social occurrence that is the well from which hell broth erupts, poisoning all who drink from this source.


H: “ It needs no underlining that this reaching out for  substitutes means trouble. In the chemistry of the soul, a substitute is almost always explosive if for no other reason than that we can never have enough of it. We can never have enough of that which we really do not want. What we want is justified self-confidence and self-esteem. If we cannot have the originals, we can never have enough of the substitutes. We can be satisfied with moderate confidence in ourselves and with a moderately good opinion of ourselves, but the faith we have in a holy cause has to be extravagant and uncompromising, and the pride we derive from an identification with a nation, race, leader or party is extreme and overbearing. The fact that a substitute can never become an organic part of ourselves makes our holding onto it passionate and intolerant.”


My response: Hoffer the egoist moralist equates what is organic, original, and growing out of the self are ideas, causes, associations and ambitions consistent with the rational and creative work produced by the self, and that self is confident but not strutting, self-regarding but not narcissistic, and at peace.


Where those seeking self-esteem and self-confidence are unable to acquire them, they settle for substitutes of which they can never have enough of what they really do not want and did not want. The passionate true believer is uncompromising, inordinately proud, and violently intolerant but he will never be happy or contented.


H: To sum up: When a population undergoing drastic change is without abundant opportunities for individual action and self-advancement, it develops a hunger for faith, pride, and unity. It become receptive to all manner of proselytizing, and is eager to throw itself into collective undertakings which aim at ‘showing the world.’ In other words, drastic change, under certain conditions, creates a proclivity for fanatical attitudes, united action, and spectacular manifestations flouting and defiance; it creates an atmosphere of revolution. We are usually told that revolutions are set in motion to realize radical changes. Actually, it is drastic change which sets the stage for revolution. The revolutionary mood and temper are generated by the irritations, difficulties, hungers and frustrations inherent in the realization of drastic change.


Where things have not changed at all, there is least likelihood of revolution.”


My response: Here is another Hofferian paradox: it is not revolution that brings radical change, but it is drastic change that is the mother of revolution. With drastic change, the reality of a misfitted self becomes self-consciously recognized by the self that wants sand prizes self-forgetfulness above all else.


When the action and opportunities are lacking for the self to act, then the self seeks dissatisfying, explosive substitutes—faith, pride, and unity. The collective gates of hell are now opened wide as monsters pour out into the world.

Saturday, June 15, 2024



Let me define my coined term—StarTribunization: StarTribunization is a conscious, operational plot, policy, and practice by various legacy media organizations not to report the news impartially and without design, but to make the news tailored to brainwash, encourage groupthink, to saturate the public with a web of lies, 24 hours a day. These Progressives plan and plot: their hope is the public will think, spout, and obey what their elites master command, and dislike who and what this elite class hate. Lately people are starting to suspect they have long been lied to, manipulated, and told what to think. Conservative and independent Americans do not trust anything or little which the legacy media offers; lying is what communicative elites do; they feel no guilt about lying, all they care about is winning, passing their agenda, keeping power, and expanding their power. If lying serves their cause, even violating their own stated principles, well, the ends always justify the means.


The masses are expected to fall in line, and to display lockstep submission to Progressive governmental, media and education dictates; the elite is nudging the masses to embrace and live with the effects of cultural Marxism as the new American economic, cultural, and legal system.


 The StarTribune is up to its navel in waging this diabolical, successful, concerted effort to deliver newspaper, radio, social media, and television to the public or the masses.

The perpetrators of this campaign of lies, omissions of facts embarrassing to their allies, and habit of overblowing the importance of facts detrimental to the character of their foes, are predictable attempters steering the public to where they want them.


The only cure, that I offer, is for the public to become individuating supercitizens. When each citizens is highly informed, an original thinker of subtle depth, complex understanding and intellectual independent-mindedness, an amateur philosopher of great depth, an advocate of healthy skepticism questioning media, the self and any statement offered by any authority figure,  it is the duty of each supercitizen every time to fact-check any proposition or report against expert testimony, community standards, logical coherency, factual accuracy and one’s own common sense. With such a skeptical but open-minded public, then it will be impossible for elites to win over the public based on lies, hatred of minorities (including individuals) appeals to fear and pride, threats and deceit.


I read a StarTribune editorial on June 9th, Sunday’s paper that disgusted and outraged me. I will quote the editorial in full and then comment on it.


Here is the editorial: “A mechanical eye of speeders? Good.


Here is the question? Will knowing that they might be caught on camera persuade Minneapolis speeders to slow down?”


My response: It likely will prompt speeds to slow down if they are caught on camera speeding. I do not like camera surveillance of the public in this world where privacy has shrunk down to almost nothing.


The cure is worse than the disease in this instance. Leftists have more or less ruled America for 120 years, and there is a now alarming level of governmental intrusion into the lives of the citizens, at all levels, and Red China has shown how the use of cameras and other modern technologies can begat a totalitarian dispensation in which personal liberty and privacy are eliminated for the sake of public safety.


As a classical liberal and constitutional conservative, I do not want any traffic cameras allowed to write tickets for speeding or any other enforcement purpose, anywhere in America, ever. The Democrats, Leftists, and editors at the StarTribune argue that this terrifying erosion of civil liberties on public highways is necessary to reduce speeding and make the highways safer, and to save lives, but the unintended consequences are sinister and actual, opening the slippery slope tendency for government to use cameras and other technologies to enforce the law to direct citizens in every way.  The result is tyranny, and the loss of freedom and rights for the individual. That is unacceptable and this new law must be rescinded.


The Tribune: “We’d like to think so, but we’re wary of trying to understand the minds of the most egregious speeders. Consider a few warnings, either literal or figurative, that they already ignore: the law, as expressed in posted speed limits. The risk to personal safety, vividly quantified by accident data. Risks to the safety of other drivers, covered in the same data. The disapproval of their fellow drivers who stay relatively close to the speed limit. The potential impact on their insurance rates. If none of that can get through to these scofflaws, is there reason to believe that camera-aided enforcement can do better?”


My response: I do not like egregious speeders, and if a deputy or state trooper radars and tickets them, fine. But humans must not be policed by artificial intelligence, by cameras or sky computers, drones, robot cops, ever. This violates our human rights.


My thought is that if we raised up a generation of anarchist individuating supercitizens, the rate of scofflawing—and the serious of such offending—would be rare. External, legal controls on people are for groupists: they require more laws to make them minimally behave, and, in return, paradoxically, their being controlled by laws and authorities, makes them more lawless the first chance they get to flout the rules.


If we would teach supercitizens to be their own lawmakers and law-obeyers and law-enforcers, such people of high principle might speed a little, but so much driving excess is from groupists and nonindividuators, not individualists and individuators.


If we could reach a gentleman’s agreement among individuators to not speed so excessively, then we should be able to see better road behavior and safer conditions, without resorting to camera-police.


The Tribune: “We may soon find out. A measure passed in the omnibus bill late in the legislative sessions gave authority to Minneapolis, Mendota Heights and the Minnesota Department of Transportation to use cameras as a traffic enforcement tool in a pilot program. Nearly 20 years ago after a similar program was shut down by a ruling of the Minnesota Supreme Court, drivers in those two municipalities and highway work zones will once again be confronted with the prospect of a citation if they drive 10 or more miles per hour over the speed limit. (The earlier program was found to be in conflict with state law; this one explicitly grants authority from the state. The new law also provides vehicle owners a means of declaring that they weren’t driving at the time.)”


My response: Minnesota is a Leftist stronghold, and the authoritarian lust possessing its ruling, educated elite to micromanage more and more of the affairs and private lives of the masses is a sickness corrupting the entire state. These rulers do not mean us well, and they want us under their thumb. These are wicked men and women, and sky-camera policing is their ticket to gaining complete mastery, complete subjugation of the masses. The public should be scared stiff, then outraged, and then shut them down completely legally and politically.


I was heavily involved in fighting for gun rights, and we stopped them, for the most part. It could be that the independents and RINOS gave the Democrats this camera-ticketing speeding bill as a substitute prize, because they were seeking to appease the enraged Left denied their legislative way at the Minnesota Legislature this session on expanding restrictive, unconstitutional gun control measures.


The Leftist and Democrat modus operandi, for the last 70 years, has been to pursue Marxist totalitarianism as law and public policy, but to do so a little at a time so as to take over the government and the cultural undetected, unidentified, unopposed, and thereby unstoppable. It has almost worked. Long ago our cultural Marxists realized that, if they were too militant violent, overt and revolutionary, they would lose the American middle class, and have been tossed out of office.


Instead, these revolution-by-peaceful-evolution Fabians and incrementalists, slowly but surely took over our institutions, as Chris Rufo documented. They pushed a little culturally (postmodernism) and a lot over time in small bits, legislatively, slowly growing their Progressive fascism, undetected and undeterred, until now, in 2024, they creeping revolution is almost complete.


Progressive incrementalism is not moderation—it is fanaticism and cruel, totalitarianism, legally introduced and codified a step at a time, until they get complete subjugation goals met. We in the Minnesota Gun Rights organization know how nasty, how heartless, how malevolent and how ruthless are these fanatics, so we aggressively and militantly push back and do not compromise.


 Compromise is moral and honorable if the goal of the opposition is noble and sensible. To grow state power at the expense of the individual is not moderate but is hostile, bad public policy, and is totalitarian control for the people implemented in small steps so, over time, the people get used to it. But its aim is extreme and radical—all power in the hands of a few at the top.


The Progressive incrementalists can never get enough of power taken from the people. They will be back next year and the year after for more and more gains until mass lose all civil rights, all constitutional rights, all gun rights and no driving rights left.


The revolutionary team of editors of the StarTribune are angry, joyless ideologues with no happiness and no desire to leave the people alone just to live their own lives without groupists, fanatics or the government bossing them around. With this sky-camera cop proposal and legislation these editorial liars talk softly and reasonably, but they are the proverbial wolves in sheep’s clothing. Their hideous goal is so drastically extreme that opposing civil libertarians can not compromise at all with them, no compromise is to be allowed with people of this ilk, ever.


The editors at the StarTribune are old hands at this incrementalist game. They now have their foot in the door and driving liberty will be gone in 6 years as cameras spy on and ticket drivers everywhere. That is their goals and that is where we will end up; this is a bad idea that needs to be stopped now.


These elitists thugs lie all the time about everything. Their Democratic partners introduced this “innocuous” legislation, cameras as cops ticketing drivers, only to punish the most egregious offenders. Don’t believe it. They will come back again and again for stricter enforcements, hire fines, jail time and sky-cop cameras everywhere on every street and every highway ever mile across the whole state. The technology exists to put sky-camera police everywhere on roads in Minnesota--if we have the will, legal cover and budget to create the hellish scenario which they crave and seek with all their power-addicted hearts, total control of the driving public as brutal and pervasive as the Skynet totalitarian state that Red China uses to oppress, degrade and abuse its people. This is where the cultural Communists and Democrats of Minnesota are headed, and they wish none of us well.


We need to come back to the legislature in the fall of 2024, and as Republicans and independents, vote to repeal laws allowing any use of camera police to write traffic tickets for any Minnesotan anywhere. To put up sky camera police for the sake of gains in actual public traffic safety is not worth the sacrifice required, that the public live in a police state; the solution is far more dangerous than the public safety excuse of capturing selfish, dangerous speeding scofflaws, being Skynet brought to heel.


The Tribune: “Like timid swimmers easing their way into a cold lake, Minnesotans will have time to adjust gradually. First, there will be a public campaign to get drivers used to the idea. Then, first-time offenders will receive a warning letter. On their second offense, drivers will be subject to a fine—but at $40, it likely won’t hurt too badly, unless they exceed the posted limit by 20 mph. In that case, the fine jumps to $80.”


My response: Notice how slick these evil jerks are—just get the public used to camera-cops ticketing them from the sky, as the public, the herd, slowly gets accustomed to computer/robot/drone police from the sky surveilling and ticketing them.


I rarely see the editors work this hard on an editorial. That scares me. They wanted this secretly slipped in legislation into the omnibus bill real bad. They want sky camera police surveilling and ticket Minnesotans, and, cunning liars and schemers as they are, they know the sleeping, compliant, deferential public will fall for such modest initial proposals, and then incrementalism will kick in. They seek Red-Chinese sky camera police supervision of the masses, and this is their first effort headed down that slippery slope, This is dangerous, malevolent legislation by rotten bastards that seek to rule Minnesotans and Americans forever. These Progressives ideologues hate the people, and want them under their thumb and sky police are a most effective way to install the control and supervision that they seek with all their rotten hearts.


The Tribune: “That still doesn’t seem like much, considering that the fine for jaywalking in Minnesota can go as high as $100. The jaywalking statute is rarely enforced, however. And enforcement seems to be the key.”


My response: Hell, no to sky camera policing and to sky camera ticket enforcement. This is bad legislation that must be taken off the books in the fall.


The Tribune: “’The goal is to be effective at changing unsafe behavior,’ said Ethan Fawley, coordinator of the Vision Zero Program in Minneapolis, which works to reduce traffic accidents. ‘What we’ve seen from other cities is that with automated enforcement, where you have that certainty that you are going to get a citation if you are exceeding the limit by quite a bit, then you don’t need to have (the fine) at the same level’  as a citation handed out in a traffic stop. ‘There are other cities in the $40-$50 range, and I haven’t seen any evidence to suggest that those cities are any less effective in improving safety than the ones that charge significantly more.’”


My response: Never trust incrementalists: they want to get a toehold into legal deprivation enabling them to steal liberty from the masses. They want to seem reasonable and moderate, but the public must become conscious that their only motive, their end goal, is universal tyranny against the public, computer policing via automated supervision and enforcement against the masses by sky camera police. They talk safety and the public good but intentionally they want raw power and the people reduced and suppressed—that is their true and only, deliberate aim, and even it is wasn’t their end result desired—as it is—totalitarianism and degraded lives without liberty for the masses.


The Tribune: “Fawley explained to an editorial writer that ‘we don’t want to be overly punitive while pursuing the goal of changing  drivers’ behavior.”


My response: That is mighty noble of Fawley not wanting to be overly punitive—at the beginning of incremental totalitarianism creeping along as sky camera cops with their automatic supervision; I say no to any of this—repeal it. We want maximum liberty, individual choice in behavior, and privacy in public spaces. We cede not one inch to automated enforcement pushed by basically evil, power-drunk elites seeking to change behavior of the masses. This is the time and the place to say no, 100%, no compromise. Just because we have the science and technology to set up a state-wide network of sky camera policing or automated enforcement does not mean the public should allow the government such unprecedented breathtaking power grabbing to surveil and police the masses on the freeways from the sky; this Orwellian possibility would in ten years be Minnesota reality. Hell, no to automated supervision of Minnesota drivers!


The Tribune: “If anything, the effort seems a bit underpunitive. Under the terms of the legislation that authorizes the pilot program, citations generated by the automated enforcement system will not become part of the driver’s record and will not affect insurance premiums. Drivers can choose to attend a safety class instead of paying the fine. A formula based on population size will limit the cameras in Minneapolis to a maximum of 42, and they will all be within blocks of schools.”


My response: Note that the Tribune editors tip their hand when they really can’t wait to make fines and tickets more punitive, which is the real and eventual goal. All these other bromides aside, we just say no—no automated enforcement on drivers from the sky in Minnesota now or ever—we citizens will not allow it, and demand that this pilot program be wiped out immediately or all dissenting politicians will be voted out of office until we get elected officials that preserve the privacy, rights, civil rights and liberties of each Minnesotan driver and citizen against any overbearing sky camera system policing us ever, not tolerated, not happening here, period.


The Tribune: “And before the first camera is placed, Fawley and his colleagues in the city government will conduct a program of public engagement to explain the system and determine the most appropriate locations for cameras. The earlies the program could begin operations is Aug. 1st, 2025.”


My response: This gives us a year to get this program gutted and eliminated in the 2024 fall legislative session.


The Tribune: “In our view, the sooner the better. Speeding was cited as a factor in two-thirds of fatal crashes in Minneapolis in 2021. We’d like to see stepped-up enforcement in more areas of the city, including the interstates, and penalties with real teeth. But as a first step, we agree with Fawley: The most important task is to change behavior.”


My response: These Marxist monsters do not even hide behind their incrementalist ploy any longer. They want sky camera policing and automated enforces on the freeways, all over the city, and soon on every county blacktop road statewide—enforcement with real teeth, all in the name of safety and changing behavior. Growing the state into authoritarian and then instantiated as a totalitarian monster actuality of enormous size, reach and grip makes people, degrades all human life.


 Individuating supercitizens would be much less lawless than subjugated groupists who speed more; the anarchists individuators likely will speed rather lawfully and reasonably at not much more than 5 miles an hour over the speed limit. As we grow a generation of supercitizens, there is not need for sky camera policing to improve public safety on our streets, roads, and freeways.


These elites view this program as very promising, and, from their revolutionary point of view, it is. Minnesotans believe whatever the editors tell them for they are StarTribunized, and as good sheep, they will be grateful to be sheared further by the shepherds that run the StarTribune rag and the lives of the cowed, gullible, compliant masses.



Monday, June 10, 2024



I subscribe to The Cavalier Chronicle which provides weekly homilies from the 1992 Common Lectionary on Page 7 of the newspaper. Here is that entry from 5/1/2024: “The Perfecter of Our Faith: Christianity claims faith in Jesus can conquer all. Through the centuries, that claim has been proven. People changed through faith in Jesus have overcome great obstacles. The first obstacle often is within. Join those who are more than conquerors this week in church . . .the victory that conquers the world, our faith. 1 John 5:1-6.”


My response: I do believe that Jesus is a great deity and if we believe, really believe, Jesus or any good deity can conquer all. Jesus is the Perfecter, so enjoy his gifts, but ask humbly, gratefully.


We can overcome the obstacle within, the self-loathing that makes us doubt we are worthy to maverize.

The Shepherd


The Cavalier Chronicle, on Page 7, carries a weekly homily from the 1992 Common Revised Lectionary. Below, from the 4/17/24 edition of the newspaper, is the following homily in full; “The Good Shepherd: Sheep need a caretaker, someone to guard, protect and lead them. Jesus, called himself, The Good Shepherd. Jesus watches over his flock in the best ways of a shepherd. Enjoy Jesus’ shepherding: join the rest of the fold this week in church. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John 10:11-18.”


My response: Jesus, and all good deities, are shepherds that guard their flock and would lay down their immortal or near-immortal lives for these children of light, and that is precious, and immeasurably commendable.


I also suggest that heavily armed, soldier-like civilians, holy, righteous, and virtuous, as individuating supercitizens, would still be a part of God’s flock, but they would not be very sheep-like any longer.


They would be more feisty, assertive, and dangerous to evildoers attacking them. The supercitizens would still be a part of God’s flock, but they would be as militant and potentially violent, if need be, as the shepherd or the flock guard dogs.


This is in no way conflicts with the concept of Jesus as The Good Shepherd; rather the sheep maverize and become millions of The Good Shepherd, and this still allows them to worship, serve and obey Jesus and the other good deities, and the divinities are still shepherding their human flock.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Tell It Like It Is


We should tell it like it is, or tell the truth to the best of our ability. I am commenting prior to sharing a weekly homily from the 1992 Revised Common Lectionary, and this homily is posted weekly on Page 7 of The Cavalier Chronicle. Here it is: “Telling The Truth: “In court, we establish truth by the account of witnesses. We know what we saw and lived. Credibility comes from personal experience. Jesus’ follower shared their witness. That’s why we can join other followers in church this week. We, too, can be witnesses. You are witnesses of these things. Luke 24: 36b-48.”


My response: I do not know that the last word in credibility comes from witnesses sharing their personal experience as to what they saw and lived, but affirmative witnesses do generally bring credence to a claim.


We are the share with the world what we have witnessed and learned from Jesus and other good deities, and this is the good news that we are to share with a troubled world.

The Foundation


I subscribe to The Cavalier Chronicle. They carry a weekly homily which I quote and then comment on. This feature is on Page 7 of the 3/27/24 edition and is from the 1992 Common Revised Lectionary.


Here is the homily: “Our Faith’s Foundation: Jesus’ resurrection proved He is God’s Son. Jesus’ resurrection opened the door to eternal life for us. Without this resurrection, this life we know would be all there is. This life is all too short. Celebrate Jesus’ triumph the Easter with joy. God raised Him on the third day. Acts 10:34-43.”


My response: The foundation of  Christian faith is the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, and it opened the door to eternal life humans. That is an incomparable gift.



I get The Cavalier Chronicle and ever week they carry a short homily on Page 7. It is one I quote and then comment on. It is from the Revised, Common Lectionary, 1992.


Here is that homily: “Peace Be With You: Peace be with you. That is Jesus’ frequent greeting. Don’t we yearn for peace amid everything happening today? Peace in our souls. Peace with each other. Jesus imparted peace. We just need to receive it. Draw near the peace-giving Jesus this week in church. Peace be with you. John 20: 19-31.”


My response: We should walk with Jesus and God, and their inner light of love will help us experience peace.


I think that feeling at peace, being peaceful, and contributing to peace in the world are all most worthy projects, achievable if one knows how to proceed. I think we need to fight our own natures, and gain control of the self, to love, to like, to discipline the self to self-realize in service of Jesus and the other good deities.


When the self is no longer  at war with itself, with the world, with others and with the good divinities, then the self will know peace, produce peace, receive peace from Jesus, and live a stable, lawful life, living in a society of other individuating supercitizens, who will constitute the most peaceful, law-abiding, crime-averse generation of citizens to ever live.


Paradoxically, they will be most most heavily armed citizen militia and private, self-directing warrior citizens in the world. They will have, own, and wield lots of firearms.


If nations were all populated by individuating supercitizens, wars would largely cease, for it is the tribes and other collectivist entities that war, conflict and build empires and colonies.


And, returning to the Christian prayer above, it is most helpful to have the peaceful blessing and well-wishes of Jesus and the good deities, so that we can know peace and keep the peace.


Friday, June 7, 2024

Ultimate One


The 3/30/24 newspaper, The Cavalier Chronicle on Page 7 has a weekly homily which I will quote and then comment on. It is from the 1992 Revised Common Lectionary. Here is the quote: “The Ultimate One: We honor many things and many people. Some of that honor is well deserved. However, the highest honor must go to Jesus. Jesus is Lord over all. Honor Jesus, your Lord, this week in church. Jesus Christ is Lord . . . Philippians 2:5-11.”


My response: Jesus is a very powerful deity and deserves much honor. If you wish to worship only Jesus, go for it. If you wish to worship several good deities, go for it.

Thursday, June 6, 2024



I receive free Newsletter updates from The Atlas Society. I quote a couple of paragraphs from a recent newsletter, which I will then comment on.


Here is the excerpt: “4 of 22

Privacy is Not A Luxury


A blue silhouette of a person

Description automatically generated

The Atlas Society Newsletter

May 2, 2024, 4:01 PM


to me