Monday, June 10, 2024



I subscribe to The Cavalier Chronicle which provides weekly homilies from the 1992 Common Lectionary on Page 7 of the newspaper. Here is that entry from 5/1/2024: “The Perfecter of Our Faith: Christianity claims faith in Jesus can conquer all. Through the centuries, that claim has been proven. People changed through faith in Jesus have overcome great obstacles. The first obstacle often is within. Join those who are more than conquerors this week in church . . .the victory that conquers the world, our faith. 1 John 5:1-6.”


My response: I do believe that Jesus is a great deity and if we believe, really believe, Jesus or any good deity can conquer all. Jesus is the Perfecter, so enjoy his gifts, but ask humbly, gratefully.


We can overcome the obstacle within, the self-loathing that makes us doubt we are worthy to maverize.

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