Wednesday, June 5, 2024




I am an amateur philosopher with some self-proclaimed expertise in ethics, theology, and the philosophy of moderation. I am no great ontologist, but I have a metaphysical view which I would like to share with the public: it is not my final position, and it perhaps in five or ten years, with further reading and contemplation, could be more definitive. Here is my ontology.


I am or may seem like a monist in that I think that the world, the absence of the world, the existence or nonexistence of object or beings—all these entities and actual existences are Fate, the One, the Ultimate Deity.


Then I am a dualist. I think the material world and the immaterial world are both real and knowable, and they as a whole are Fate. I see the universe is as monistic and dualistic at the same time, though it is hard to prove that, or to provide definitions, concepts, logical arguments, and theory that prove this state of affairs.


The Divine Couple and the good deities, their angels, and human allies fight eternally against the Dark Couple and wicked deities and angels, and their human allies.


 Fate or monism is the belief that reality is constituted by the two realities, matter and spirit.


There is another an alternative view of moism that there is  but one primal substance: one could be a physicalist (matter is all there is) or one can be a immaterialist (An Idealist, that all is mind or spirit.)


I am a dualist (Here is where my philosophy of moderation comes in: one must tap into both opposites to gain wisdom and live well.) There are two fundamental substances of which the world and all objects, beings and creatures are made; in short, the physical world is real, and the spiritual world is real, and we need to define what that means.


It could be that the best way that I can compare and contrast the physical and spiritual world is to assert that both exist, and both may be encountered as appearances (appearances are like more than half-way illusory, not capturing the object, being, event or occurrence truthfully). And both may be encountered as noumena, as they are in reality, and that humans when rational, perceptually unbiased, of sufficiently alert consciousness, with sound intuitions and affective senses functioning, are able to detect objects and immaterial objects as they are, with increasing accuracy, all the way whole awareness of each, to perceiving, to experiencing and to naming them as they exist and appear, with sure knowledgeable capture.

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