Saturday, June 8, 2024



I get The Cavalier Chronicle and ever week they carry a short homily on Page 7. It is one I quote and then comment on. It is from the Revised, Common Lectionary, 1992.


Here is that homily: “Peace Be With You: Peace be with you. That is Jesus’ frequent greeting. Don’t we yearn for peace amid everything happening today? Peace in our souls. Peace with each other. Jesus imparted peace. We just need to receive it. Draw near the peace-giving Jesus this week in church. Peace be with you. John 20: 19-31.”


My response: We should walk with Jesus and God, and their inner light of love will help us experience peace.


I think that feeling at peace, being peaceful, and contributing to peace in the world are all most worthy projects, achievable if one knows how to proceed. I think we need to fight our own natures, and gain control of the self, to love, to like, to discipline the self to self-realize in service of Jesus and the other good deities.


When the self is no longer  at war with itself, with the world, with others and with the good divinities, then the self will know peace, produce peace, receive peace from Jesus, and live a stable, lawful life, living in a society of other individuating supercitizens, who will constitute the most peaceful, law-abiding, crime-averse generation of citizens to ever live.


Paradoxically, they will be most most heavily armed citizen militia and private, self-directing warrior citizens in the world. They will have, own, and wield lots of firearms.


If nations were all populated by individuating supercitizens, wars would largely cease, for it is the tribes and other collectivist entities that war, conflict and build empires and colonies.


And, returning to the Christian prayer above, it is most helpful to have the peaceful blessing and well-wishes of Jesus and the good deities, so that we can know peace and keep the peace.


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