Monday, June 3, 2024

Exodus 22:19


In the Old Testament, there was a divinely sanctioned death penalty meted out for many, many offenses; justice seemed harsh and swift, but, with barely literate, uncivilized, ancient, tribal peoples, it could be that such justice was necessary and the only effective deterrent to barbarous, immoral behavior. Still, I would not apply the death penalty much at all.


Here is a law noted in Exodus where I would support prison time for offending, but not execution; this law is presented from The New American Bible: “Anyone who lies with an animal shall be put to death.”


Here is that same line from the Holy Bible: “Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death.”


My response: God is the author or Logos that crafted natural law to guide the universe which De created. Yahweh is reminding humans that they have that divine spark in them, and they are to superintend animals, but not to prey upon them, torture them or sexually abuse them. These divine and natural laws are meant to remind people of their obligations, their limitations, and what God will do to humans should they still elect to prey on animals.

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