Monday, June 10, 2024

The Shepherd


The Cavalier Chronicle, on Page 7, carries a weekly homily from the 1992 Common Revised Lectionary. Below, from the 4/17/24 edition of the newspaper, is the following homily in full; “The Good Shepherd: Sheep need a caretaker, someone to guard, protect and lead them. Jesus, called himself, The Good Shepherd. Jesus watches over his flock in the best ways of a shepherd. Enjoy Jesus’ shepherding: join the rest of the fold this week in church. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John 10:11-18.”


My response: Jesus, and all good deities, are shepherds that guard their flock and would lay down their immortal or near-immortal lives for these children of light, and that is precious, and immeasurably commendable.


I also suggest that heavily armed, soldier-like civilians, holy, righteous, and virtuous, as individuating supercitizens, would still be a part of God’s flock, but they would not be very sheep-like any longer.


They would be more feisty, assertive, and dangerous to evildoers attacking them. The supercitizens would still be a part of God’s flock, but they would be as militant and potentially violent, if need be, as the shepherd or the flock guard dogs.


This is in no way conflicts with the concept of Jesus as The Good Shepherd; rather the sheep maverize and become millions of The Good Shepherd, and this still allows them to worship, serve and obey Jesus and the other good deities, and the divinities are still shepherding their human flock.

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