Monday, June 3, 2024

Exodus 22:20




God C


Exodus 22:20


One of the great struggles that I have waged—and all humans and our divinities too—is to move humanity away from altruist-collectivist morality and then proceed to adopt individually and collectively, a superior, more advanced egoist-individualist morality.


The good deities are individuators and individualists and the evil deities are nonindividuators and groupists.


The evil deities, with their preferences for group rights, for group-living, with each person finding his identity solely in terms of identifying with one or more groups which he belongs to, and explaining human rights as group rights not individual rights, rule this world, with their grip solidified by depraved, selfless human nature, by collectivist social arrangements, by people believing that altruistic morality is not immorality, and by too many good faiths being a hybrid of good and evil, because collectivist ethics and group-living keep these faiths corrupting and destructive of human goodness, and accessing clean, honest, rewarding and personal relationships with the good deities.


Good deities prefer individual rights, individual-living, seeking personal identity as maverizing as one’s telos; each person is to embrace morality, egoism-individualism to self-realizes as the good deities did and do.


One cannot be an individualist unless one does not favor insiders (one’s group’s fellow members) over outsiders or strangers, individualists and groupists from other, even foreign collectivities or nations.


When Yahweh urged the Hebrews to be kind to strangers, here is one example of an innate predisposition—yet not full formed or explicated—in Judaism to be genuinely progressive and humane, regarding strangers as individuals to be treated with dignity and respect, though they are foreigners, not enemies.


Here is the law from The New American Bible: “You shall not molest or oppress an alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt.”


Here is the same law from the Holy Bible: “Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.”


My response: For Yahweh to show such compassion to foreigners so fear, loathed and attacked by ancient tribalists, this kindness tells me that Yahweh loved love, kindness, and spiritual goodness in his human children.

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