Sunday, July 7, 2024

Ask And Seek


The Cavalier Chronicle edition (2/14/24) on Page 7 carried a weekly homily, this one for Sunday (2/18/24), and the homily was from the 1992 Common Revised Lectionary, entitled Inquiring Mind Want To Know.


Here is the homily: “We seek the meaning of life. Is this all there is?

Where can we find the answers we need? God know Ask of God this week in church. Make me to know your ways, O Lord. Psalm 25:1-10.”


My response: I have often read and heard that if we seek to make contact with God, sooner or later, we will, and the impact can be bracing, shocking, enjoyable and unsettling, but one will never be the same again.


When we inquire after God, and seek to find God and receive instruction and affection, that search and encounter just might be the meaning of life, as well as the wisdom that God shares with us. This mortal life is not all there is, and God is waiting to be invited into your life, but you must ask before God enters your heart.

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