Sunday, July 7, 2024



On Page 7 of the 1/31/24 edition of The Cavalier Chronicle is the weekly homily for Sunday (2/4/24), and this homily is from the 1992 Common Revised Lectionary. It is entitled Gathering Strength.


Here is the homily: “Sometimes we need to re-charge before going at life again. Everyday stuff can wear us down. But our God is a strength-giver. Spend time with the Living God. Receive the renewal and strength you need. Spend that time with God this week in church . . . those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. Isaiah 40:21-31.”


My response: We are mortal, frail, easily tired, easily discouraged, easily damaged, easily killed. To invite a good deity into one’s life is to become brimming with every renewable, transcendentally and internally generated energy, creativity, and love of life. God is a strength-giver: give it a go—go with God and God’s boundless vitality will infuse you.

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