Sunday, July 28, 2024

Free Will


It occurred to me today (7/28/24) that humans possess free will, but that is consistent with  being an individualist, not a groupist. The individual is responsible for his actions, legally, spiritually, and eternally, not his associations and affiliations. Collective praise or collective blame are empty concepts.


If we assume that each person has free will, and is thus a moral person when he is mulling,  choosing, and acting as an individualist in his behavioral selections, then it would follow to that egoist morality should be his primary moral code.


How does this play out if accepted? One way to conceptualize about it is to assume you make the decisions: if you decide that no one gets to hurt or abuse you, or at least not get away with it without you fighting back ferociously, you are denying anyone the right to abuse you or gain illegitimate control over you.


It also entails that none can deprive you of the freedom to live life as you want to, or to think for yourself without your permission. You have the right and obligation and responsibility for your life, so use your divinely allotted power of powerfulness to self-realize.


If you fight back each time against any that would enslave you, while always refusing to enslave others, then you will be taking control of yourself, your surroundings, and even the world to some degree. Your assertiveness will make the world better for God, for yourself and others, especially if your family, your community, and your nation are as a majority practicing egoists, with a modicum of altruism tossed in for the sake of moderated balance. Temperate, enlightened self-interest is the outgrowth of applying egoistic-individualistic morality to your choices made.

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