Saturday, December 14, 2013

Enjoying Work

To enjoy work, every employee needs to be vested emotionally and ideationally to make a significant contribution to the running of the business. The employee needs some leeway, some power to make decisions and operate as he chooses to.

This is risk-taking on the part of the employer but the benefits ordinarily will overshadow the risks as empowered, listened-to employees work harder, smarter and more loyally where that intangible personal connection has been forged. That is real teamwork.

A bad employer does not listen to workers, does not want them to speak up, make suggestions, criticize the boss or owner, or stand out in any way.

A rebel employee is especially resisted. If he advises A, the employer elects B. The employer and other workers will form a little mob to exert maximum pressure on the rebel to force him to collapse or leave. They will tell any lie, stoop however low it takes to win, to obviate him and keep control. Their power amassed must not be reduced. They are united in hatred of him. He must give and they take. He must surrender and they must triumph. These are scorched-earth human relations in the work place, arising out of spiritual, biological roots central to pack living.

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