Monday, December 2, 2013

We All Have Something To Hide

Being depraved, is it at all surprising that we all have something to hide that we do not want the neighbors to know about--let alone perhaps the police or the government? I have three reactions to this famous motto.

First, unless the person hiding his particular flawed trait or past sins and behaviors is truly a monster needing to be brought to justice for old crimes or in fear of his future acts, we should let sleeping dogs lie. Most people, by training, faith and free will, end up being rather decent sorts. Rooting around in their past, against their will, is immoral and unhelpful. Let sleeping dogs lie. When we die, I am sure God and all the angels discover everything we did or should have done. It will all come out in the wash in the long run.

Second, no one should moil under the weight of guilt and shame over minor past offenses. No one should feel the need to out themselves, for such a petty level of wrongdoing, unless everyone else does so at the same time.

Third, one of humans' biggest problems is not realizing what to emphasize and what to ignore. It really is not that important to uncover what people have to hide. The much greater emphasis must be to discover what it is that all have to share with the world openly, for all have something wonderful to reveal to the world.

This work of art, scientific invention, rose garden or singing of songs is the byproduct of each person's attempt to self-actualize. This singular work is what she has to reveal to the world. That is significant. That is the future. Urge all to reveal who they are and what they can share via their unfurled talents in their advanced state of personal development. We all have something to share.

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