Friday, December 20, 2013

The Individuator Can Be A Regular Gal In Appearance

There are geniuses like Mohammed Ali that strut, brag and tell you that they are the best, and they are.

That likely is not the way most geniuses (whether a genius in basic aptitude and ability, or more commonly, a genius born and made by advanced inividuation and self-appkication) would convey their outlook and personality to the world.

She could be quiet, understated, easy to over look or underestimate. But her force of personality and intense focus will radiate through. She is a doer and becomer through and through. Her concentration on her own life, interests and completion of personal and career ambitions display how wrapped up she is in her own affairs and interests. This does not make her selfish or narcissitic. Far from it: it exemplifies her enlightened self-interest. She is a classic example of an individual living the dream, actualizing her potential.

The groupist, the joiner, will have a small ego, tiny ambitions, low expectations, and a not very in-depth relationship with the self. The primary emphasis of the life that he leads is to be linked to others in all the sundry groups that he associates with.

With the unremarkable joiner, the group is made a large ego, populated by self-effacing minions.

With the accomplished loner, her ego is huge, and the group connection is weak and secondary, but still important, and tended with love and care, when indulged in and useful.

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