Thursday, December 12, 2013

Just Go Along To Get Along

Just conforming and just saying yes does irredeemable damage to one's reputation and content of character. We need to be who we are, and stand for what is right, no matter who we offend, or what is the cost socially or to our career.

I am all for getting along with others. I am all for keeping the peace, but accomplishing these two worthy aims are not in the least incompatible with doing what is right and saying what is right no matter how numerical superior, well-funded, well-connected or intimidating the opposition is. Surrendering one's values and denying them to curry cheap, short-term favor with bullies and thugs threatening their resistors with being smeared and terrorized is not keeping the peace. It is not getting along. It is losing a just battle without putting up a fight. It is going along but peace, justice and a happy well-run community will not be the end product.

No individuator with an ounce of integrity will go along just to get along. She will make her views and presence known.

The joiner is the one that will go along to get along.

The maverizer refuses to keep her head down. She will reap the consequences as they commence hunting her for defying them and their wishes. But she will live and die happy, realizing that she has acted with honor.

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