Tuesday, February 11, 2014

High-Informtion Voters

Rush Limbaugh coined this term, and I think it is an appropriate nickname for the super-citizen and maverizer that I envision as the average and yet ideal citizen-politician of the future.

We are all depraved, and we all, sooner or later, to more or less amounts, are corrupted by centralized power.

There are only three effective--nothing is 100% fail safe, and all rots in the end (we are  human after all)--means of minimizing the corruption of political power. First, God must guide our affairs.

Second, we must be high information voters and individuator anarchists that are law-abiders and lawmakers all rolled into one. When all are logical, honest, skilled and adept political creatures, it is hard to use power against others or deprive them of liberty.

Third, we must devolve all institutions to the maximum, reasonable point, for decentralized power corrupts least, and competing neighbors keep it decentralized.

High-Information voters of the ilk that I anticipate are really Tea Party folks on moral and intellectual steroids.

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