Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Walking Wounded

We are all walking around, living our lives of quiet desperation. We are the walking injured.
Most of us care reasonably well to mend what ails us physically.

We think nothing about trashing our psychic center and leaving it trashed for weeks, months or years at a time. We may seem or act normal and happy, but most of us could be a lot saner, happier and more emotionally healthy than we are.

How we ended up that way is tricky to assess, considering all the vagaries of genetic and environmental determinants working on us to tear us down, to keep us doubting ourselves. It may be more useful to not worry about how we got into this mess, but what concrete steps can we wield right away to feel better soon.

There are a few specific, concrete steps that we can engage to alleviate some of the pain. First, we can self-realize, for nothing makes us feel worthy and better than working hard to accomplish something. Second, we can love God and talk to God daily. There is nothing like the grace of divine energy flowing in and out of our bodies and souls to uplift us, and to aid us in feeling better.

Third, we can adopt an optimistic attitude. With that approach, the glass is always at least half full, no matter what happens every day. We just takes what comes, fix what we can and live with the rest.

Fourth, we can love ourselves. Where people love themselves, the undisguisedly aura of contentment and security radiates out and influences all about us.

Fifth, we can receive professional help to figure what and who we are, and what we can do to make our lives better from where we are at.

Sixth, we can adopt the Mavellonialist philosophy, which is to colonize the world with developing individualists that live as loners apart from old group affiliations. Living as a joiner depletes self-esteem and increases self-deprecating. Living as a loner bolsters self-esteem and leads to self-affirmation.

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