Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Evil has two sources: one is a dark deed that the chooser elects to commit or is compelled by some driving force to commit.

That evil is personal. Far more contagious, pervasive and deadly is institutional evil, where most of the guilty actors  have not done much wrong. Their sin is not speaking out and fighting active evil doers to hold them back.

This sin is easily the most powerful and damaging of any kind of evil. The craven and the silent go along to get along because they are afraid of living alone or standing alone with the courage of their convictions. The need to belong, and to feel warm, with plenty of neighbors to snuggle close to. These powerful motives keep people weak, and under the spell of darkness.

To be alone and lonely. To be derided and unpopular. These states of existence are insufferable to a weak joiner, who will pay any price, including selling his soul to Lera, to be able to avoid taking a stand, or being on the right side of the argument.

So because, the majority do not stand up and be counted, the wicked few rule and roost and hold sway. The fear of loneliness is a most corrosive, corrupting sentiment for the majority to yield to, as they pay any price to stay cool and still remain insiders.

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