Friday, February 21, 2014

The IRS Is Doubling Down

According to Heritage Foundation on line this morning, the IRS has the the authorization and approval of the Obama administration to institutionalize the targeting of conservative groups. No one at the IRS has been prosecuted or fired for their criminal targeting of conservative groups last year.

Both these feds and the Obama administration feel justified in continuing in their abuse of federal power in targeting dissident private groups, and anti-establishment citizens.

This is how authoritarian regimes act. They live off the people and tell the people what to do. They reward who they want to and commit human rights abuses against nonconformers that displease them.

This is the same IRS that will be gathering sensitive private information on us? They need to be eliminated as a federal agency. Obama needs to be impeached and removed from office right now.

The executive branch serves the people and must obey them. Let us keep our powder dry and our bibles an constitutions well-read for we are in for a long, rough ride with these progressive fascists at the helm. I pray to God that we survive as a free people.

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