Sunday, February 16, 2014

This Is Not Old Soviet Russia

This is not the old Soviet Russia--at least not yet. Children here still belong to the Mom and Dad, and are not wards of and property of the state, where children were to be taken from parents at a tender age and raised in state schools and  boarding schools. Those promoting groupism, non-individuation, the spread of Leraism and predictably lackluster adult lives could devise no more effective, sinister means of wrecking the lives of children, and dooming the future of an entire coming generation.

Child protection services need to be in place, but only as a last resort, and then they do not work very well, as children need to be adopted into homes as soon as possible, away from the horrible foster care system.

We must be circumspect about interfering with the rights of a mom and dad to raise their child as they see fit. In most instances a girl and a boy need a married mom and dad to bring them up properly.

A child that is raised in a loving, God-fearing household with a married mom and dad--with some extended family thrown in for good measure-- is a child enjoying the foundational circumstances ideal for living as a maverizer as an adult.

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