Friday, February 21, 2014

The Reemergence Of The Russian Empire

Sochi and the Winter Olympics have me thinking about Russia again. If what is going on in North Korea is not enough to turn your stomach, the leader of Ukraine is allowing snipers to shoot civilian protesters to death with live ammunition. All of this is committed with the blessing of the strongman next door, Vladimir Putin, who strongly desires to have Ukraine back in the fold, in his scheme to bring back the Russian empire.

Russia is a rich country--in terms of land, oil, resources, people, etc. They could set up an constitutional democracy and a free market system, built upon erect an economic, governmental and cultural infrastructure of liberty, individuating and self-expression, and the rejection of group living.

The Russians are the most group-oriented of the white peoples. Believe me, that is no compliment.

Anyone  that is minimally fluent in my philosophy of Mavellonialism does understand that living group lives is the source of human evil in the world.

The Russian people have exemplified this mistake for centuries. They have lived foolishly for hundred of years, and this sick, twisted, destructive living style has become their  cherished, loved tradition. This is how a runt like Putin gets back into power and begins building an empire again. The people go along and let him do it.

Where people live in groups, they foster the growth, spread and complete power grab by institutions and the governmental functionaries populating them. Then a totalitarian party and party leader take over the country. If they can take over the world, or a big parcel of it, they have enslaved colonies of oppressed neighbors to give them people for their armies, money for their coffers, food for their hungry people, and cheap raw resources to feed their war machine.

There the Russians go again, enslaving their neighbors, while enslaving themselves. Empires are good for none, and lead humanity away from where it needs to be--living in free cantons without government or big business or big anything, where the people are free and living in a market economy. We have a long way to go to get there, but some of us will so live after the holocaust.

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