Friday, April 4, 2014

Decriminalize Pot And All Drugs

We should decriminalize pot and all hard, addicting drugs. To eliminate drug traffickers, we should make their products legal, and then tax them all. Cigarettes, booze and all drugs should be legal but taxed--but not too heavily--with big percentages of the revenues used for chemical treatment programs.

It likely is a moral issue with the government with no constitutional authority to outlaw dangerous drugs. Drug usage is a moral, personal and health issue. It should not be a federal or legal issue.

It would be wiser and more effective to legalize it all--or decriminalize most of it for users, at the minimum.

What we need to do instead is inculcate children with a powerful, noble set of values that will make them want to lead successful, productive lives as holy, clean,  sober, upbeat adults that, in a psychic state of everyday consciousness, need not and will refuse to be drug addicts for fear of such addiction cramping their ambition to individuate brilliantly. There is no substitute for the rational, calm, exhilarating high maverizing and getting done what God expects from  us. All else is a poor replacement.

A generation of individuators mostly would withstand dangerous drugs or any other kind of addictive practice or drug for such consumption shall interfere with and severely undermine their efforts at self-improvement, and that is insufferable.

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