Sunday, April 20, 2014

Inequality Emphasized To Stir The Base

To reinvigorate their election prospects in 2014, progressives seek to fire up the base, and blame the rich haves, for grabbing all the wealth, for not paying their fair share, so the victims, the have-nots, are getting a raw deal, who need even more government help and goodies to get by.

The conservative movement hopefully can reach these have-nots and tell them to throw the inequality argument out the window. What counts is hard work, and pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps. The have-nots can be affluent haves. They need to fire the rich, the ruling class, the Washington class and the poor from running the government. The middle class needs to run the government, the church, the schools, the municipality, the colleges, the media and the capitalist economy.

Liberty, individualism, God, guns, the Bible, the flag, capitalism and the philosophy of individuation are all they need. Let the liars and whiners moaning on about the benefits of inequality and brotherhood be told to shut up, and get lost. Let the little people live as great souls, and rule this greatest nation in dignity, individualism, freedom and prosperity.

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