Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Vestige

The pessimistic, determinist streak in me makes me believe that humanity does not have a chance to survive the next hundred years without a direct, intervention from God coming down to earth and imposing De's will on a lost, floundering, miserable humanity. God respects free will, and would be quite reluctant to impose happiness on people. They must come to it on their own, or not at all.

The core of the human tragedy has always been that the decked was stacked against us. We are basically evil and are struggling and flailing our arms trying to crawl out of the swamp of ignorance, poverty, slavery, disease, naturalism, satanism and darkness, groping and stumbling towards light and the meadow of sunshine, green grass, hope, liberty and vigor.

Then we are controlled by elites that live off of us, and do not teach us how to live, or to live in accordance with a wise set of values. We remain foundered in groupist stench. Give weapons of mass destruction to us, like Iranians, Syrians and the north Koreans, and see if we have a chance in hell of making it.

Oh well, I deliver God's message without hesitation, or pause. That is my job, and I have done it to the best of my ability. Where it all ends up is Fate's will.

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