Sunday, April 27, 2014

Wayne LaPierre

His last Friday quote: “Rather than expose government dishonesty and scandal the way they used to, the media elites whitewash it all."

Any cultivated super-citizen realizes that the media elite are whores owned by those in power. Their job is to sell, justify and promote the officially condoned narrative. The masses are brainwashed, steered, lied to, told what to think, and manipulated to keep them compliant, obsequious, quiet, obedient and content with the upper class that regulates them, enslaves them, exploits them and oppresses them.

As long as the people are kept non-thinking, groupist, ill-informed, incurious and emotional, they are easy to huddle together, and steer to where their mistresses and masters want them directed.

The only cure is for each voter to grow into an individuated, super-citizen that is an anarchist-individuator, well-informed, politically involved, and impossible to direct and lie to.

Then the public will hire the media outlets that do not pander to anyone and always tell the grim truth to everyone about everyone. Smart, brave super-citizens prefer the truth and only demand the truth.

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