Friday, April 4, 2014

To Capture The Truth

God Is Love. God embodies the truth. Only the truth-seeker that follows God, live moderately and loves God, the self and others will come closest to capturing the truth. I emphasize coming close because capturing the whole truth and nothing but the truth is similar to striving for perfection: one may come close but rarely do any arrive at the pure grasp of these desired, sublime goals.

To seek the truth is to see the big picture more than experiencing reality subjectively from a local perspective, but both avenues inform the seeker.

To separate the wheat from the chaff, to detect what is hokum versus that which is honest, actual and accurate about a person, thing or situation, arriving at the big picture requires that the seeker receive input from many sources. All people lie, and most lie more than they tell the truth. Therefore, it is risky and misleading to believe what anyone tells us without hesitation or questioning their facts, even their interpretation of solid facts.

By the way, individualists usually are more moderate, rational and affiliated with the truth, and lie relatively little. Groupists are more emotional, more extremist. They are more inclined to exaggerate  and be credulous. Because they lie more than do moderates do, they are more susceptible to being duped, believing lies told them by authority figures far more than they should. Crowd-huggers tell the truth somewhat. Besides, every culture and society to date is built upon mistaken and fraudulent mythologies replete with human suffering and injustice, justified by a mountain of lies that become cherished tradition accepted by successive generations of gullible nonindividuators who see no gain in social capital, communal power and desired popularity by seeking after dreaded truth.

To capture the truth, we must  question everything and everyone repeatedly, but mostly we must question ourselves, our secret motives, our undiscovered seeking to reach an unsavory destiny.

Any kind of elite or ruling class, through the pulpit, parents, police, school and mass media, seek to control how the masses think. Official lies and rationales are to be received without skepticism, without rebellion, without competing theories or disbelief.

We need a generation of individuators that are statesman super-citizens that punish any politician, with immediate recall, caught lying to the public. Each politician must be a truth-telling statesman. The political party of honest activists will win and emerge victorious as long as the public knows what they stand for, and what they will do once elected. The truth will set us free, but first we must capture the gist of it.

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