Sunday, April 6, 2014

To Defend His Country

On Facebook Today is a blurb from The Political Insider with a quote from Edward Abbey: "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." This quote is today is especially apt.

Reports of implanting microchips in humans by 2017, worldwide domination conspiracies centered around the Illuminati and Freemasons, Obama's obsession with expanding his dictatorship, unleashing NSA to spy on us, and allow UN to have our guns--all of these alleged and actual plots to enslave people and downgrade their lives had best give every freedom-loving American pause.

They are not patriotic and liberty-loving who scheme to deprive average people of liberty, say and independence. The Democrats that have allowed Obama to grow his imperial Presidency without being checked, arrested and imprisoned are unAmerican and treasonous.

The Tea Partyers are the patriots defending this country against the government. As Prager notes, the smaller the government, the bigger the citizen. We need super-citizens at work now that cut the government down in terms of money, power and reach to save the country from those snide, malicious, self-righteous marauders that make up the Washingtonian ruling class.

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