Wednesday, August 27, 2014

American Member 0f ISIS, Douglas McAuthur McCain, Ia Killed In Action

The experts on CNN were analyzing what makes someone like McCain, from New Hope, Minnesota, does what he did. One expert came fairly close by characterizing this young black man as not belonging anywhere, and as someone looking for meaning in his life, and ISIS provided that.

All this is true but rather superficial. No one reads Eric Hoffer anymore, but McCain is the classic true believer that utterly loathes the self and the life that he lives. He needs to shed the dreaded, miserable, detested self, and find himself reborn, a new name, a new identity and fresh purpose serving the holy cause which he was willing to die for.

Few understand how uniquely deadly is radical Islam as a mass movement. I fear that it is the deadliest mass movement ever conceived.

We need to attack ISIS immditately and kill every one of them. Then we must put 100, 000 troops in Gaza for 200 years to preserve the peace and pacify them. We must be willing to go to war now and repeatedly as the world cop against any Muslim radical gang sprouting up whereever.

This we must do to save the world, and the American way of life, the most superior cultural gift that God has given the world; we cannot allow barbarians and savages whose basic faith in its fundamentalist, radical, normal state is incompatible with civilization.

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