Sunday, August 10, 2014

Frozen Ground

I was home alone last night, so I watched the 2013 movie Frozen Ground with Nicholas Cage and John Cusack. It was not a bad thriller but I noted how Hollywood tied the psychopathic serial killer (Mr. Hansen) to the hunting tradition as if too remind low-information voters in the audience that anyone that hunts and mounts trophy animals on the wall of their home is a serial killer, or but one step removed from it.

Mr. Hansen hunted and murdered at least 24 young women with a semi-automatic rifle, so the gun control fools got their point in too.

The Right must find more media outlets and stay on message constantly 24/7 forever to counteract the Left with their news media, entertainment media and social media outlets that brainwash and steer public opinion all the time.

The movie was good and well-paced even a religious, conservative gun nut like Hansen went gonzo--but being a gun owner, what else can be expected? After all Alaska, Sarah Palin land, must be exposed for the mean rednecks and their nasty ways up there prowling the frozen ground.

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