Wednesday, August 13, 2014

War On Boys

Dennis Prager tonight is writing about this.  Manly men growing up from being sturdy, macho boys are morally and physically strong and this quite congruent with feminism.

Wimpy men will not soldier, work, individuate, raise a family and work.

I met a Human Resource woman recently who was nice enough. She is a big woman. Six foot tall, and maybe 220. She likely is a force to be reckoned with at home. She told me that she had 4 children, the oldest, a boy just turned 19. Last year, he told his folks that he wanted to join the Marines. She told me that she went into a towering rage that no boy of hers would join the military. He caved and is going to tech school here in town, wandering from course to course, with no plan, no ambition.

She was proud of what she did to him, asserting that Mommy knew what was best for baby, and she had imposed her will, and it was worth it and right. I looked at her in horror and silence. She really is a smart and decent woman, but she emasculated her son. Likely a Progressive, she screamed in anger when joining the military was brought up by him. Why did not he realize that guns and killing go on there (these are my words, not hers)? Mom needs to cut the apron strings.

I abhor when parents shut down their kids plans for their adult lives. Here was one of the few young adults today that has ambition and moxie to try something with his life. What would 4 years in the military have hurt? He would have had money for an education. He would grow up and learn to be man. He might be married or have his life calling by the time he was a civilian in 2017.

All those rioters in Feguson, Missouri should be in the Marines to get them out of their rut, and onto an adult, productive, working path away from Sharpton and the others fools babying sturdy six footers.

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