Monday, August 11, 2014

Ruling Class Mind Control

As I complained to the readers recently, my letter on Mavellonialism was suppressed and censored by the editors at the Star Tribune, The New York Times is guilty of keeping my views and me shut out from exposure to the general public, that much larger audience desperately in need of what I have to write, as sent to me from God.

What is insightful--if frustrating--from my vantage point of being excluded, silenced and restricted is that one comes to a clear, complete grasp of how the ruling class uses their communication arm, mass media, to control the sleeping masses, the nonindividuators who would rise up and free themselves, if they had a clue what was the truth, and what is actually going down.

If the local paper would run my blog entries, 3 days a week, without editing or censorship, their ratings would go off the chart, and God's word would commence getting out their to the hurting public.

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