Sunday, August 31, 2014

What Upsets My Enemies

My enemies despise me for continually bringing up unpleasant truths. Nothing galls them more than my repeated condemnation of group-living and group-associating.

What also riles them to saliva-dripping rage is my insistence that we are all depraved from birth.

Actually, it is only a problem if we do not have the moral science to combat being so born. As group-livers, and self-indulgent slugs, most people like group-living and have convinced themselves that they are perfect and basically good as they are, without any need to grow, transform or exert themselves in any strenuous fashion.

Only in our nonindividuated, group-dwelling status is being depraved a burdensome handicap.

If we accept that we are wicked from the womb forward, and plan to individuate and work the plan consistently and assiduously, then we are able to transfigure our stunted, twisted souls into angeleic excellence and kindness, far removed from our originally wounded nature.

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