Sunday, August 10, 2014

Why Believe?

To believe in God is a challenge. Often we are greeted by silence or seeming indifference. That I pray and things seem to work out and get better, could, for sure, just be a mere series of coincidences. We may be alone, in a cold, cruel universe. Of course there is a 50% chance that this viewpoint is completely erroneous.

We must believe in God on faith. We possess no final intuitive, physical, logical or empirical, conclusive proof that God exists. It seems to me that to make sense of the world, I need to believe in God. It certainly comforts me and pulls me through rough times, and times of uncertainty. Therefore, I am going to continue to believe.

Why do you not join me, allowing God's divine energy to flow through your being, suffusing you with hope, well-being, love, courage and joy. Try believe in God. You will like it.

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