Saturday, August 9, 2014

Militarization Of Local Police Departments

We need to curb this trend. If Obama grows tired of being but a soft dictator, and declares martial law, and nationalizes all police department, making officers federal employees with all this swat team capability to break into homes and seize people and guns, why would he not do so, and then we would be a police state.

We need to respect and support the police, but they must be law-abiding, restrained by the law, answerable only to state and local authorities. They must not be militarized, nationalized and politicized. For a hundred years the police in Mexico have been this way. There justice, rule of law, order, civil stability and honest government do not operate. We do not want to head in that direction.

My vision for 300 million Americans is for them to reside in canons where local self-governing is the norm. Individuators require self-policing, and they will fulfill that obligation. They will not much need external policing, and certainly not a militarized police force doing the dictator's dirty work. At that point protect and serve has been perverted into exploit, intimidate and oppress.

We need a militarized, well-trained, well-armed populace to keep the president, the police and the army at bay.

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