Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Yellow Journalism

It should be patently obvious to conservatives that the Old Press does not report the news, but manipulate events and the news to brainwash to masses to go along with the Progressive agenda being effectively increased in power and scope, by Leftists engaged in a constant bombardment of mind control over low-information voters'

What counter steps can conservatives take?

1. Boycott and withdraw money and support from lying media outlets.

2. Support alternative media outlets like talk radio that report the news objectively, accurately and fairly, while admitting up front if they push a biased, subjective view.

3. Let conservatives grow into powerful, independent thinkers, fearless about scrutinizes anything said to them, always suspicious about being told what to think, what to believe and how to react to tragic occurrences. Let conservatives emerge as the new middle class, an upper middle class of millions of talented, independent thinking, high information voters that are supercitizens, very informed, very well-engaged in political trends and running the system. These high-information voters will not be manipulated, told what to think, and ordered how to vote, live and pay socialist taxes that are exorbitant.

4. Let these high-information voters start a interlocking, 24 hour a day blog site/ twitter site/Facebook presence that allows for an political, news making, news discovering, news analyzing and news investigating center for the sharing and exchange of ideas and information between high information voters that disallows Leftist elites to tell them what to do and what do believe anymore.

5. Let these Mavellonialist supercitizens buy publishing houses, radio stations, TV stations, hire writers and reporters, and write books from their point of view.

As these counter-information efforts grow and develop, the masses will join and grow into supercitizens that the Old Media and ruling class can no longer steer and control,

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