Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Coherent Policy

The 2016 Republican Presidential candidates should draft, agree upon and post a coherent policy on the use of force abroad  in places like fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

First, we must notify the voters that, world cop that we are and should be,  moral suasion, diplomatic pressure, the use of sanctions etc. are all remedies that must be exhausted, before using force as a last resort.

Where we must use force we do it under the following conditions: we tell the voters that the incursion will cost blood and treasure, but we will not cease doing the military action for those reasons. We will only cease operations abroad militarily after winning, the foes surrendering, or the conflict leading to the need to intervene subsides.

We go in with overwhelming force and numbers, and suspend most Obameque rules of engagement. We go in to obliterate all opposition.

We take the country, and then we hold the country firmly, without interruption or delay, under martial law until the country is pacified and made docile. We nation-build to bring democracy, peace and capitalism to the people. We stay 20, 30, even 60 years if necessary. We inform the voters of this in advance, we do not ever leave to early, so that cities like Ramadi fall again into enemy hands, and the blood of our slain soldiers was in vain.

We go in by these conditions or we stay home. There is no other way. Supercitizens must be willing to expend blood and treasure to stay the course, ho half-hearted defeatist measures.

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