Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Incurable Wickedness Of The Self-Righteous

The mass movement and totalitarian horrors that killed 100 million people or more in the 20th century were largely driven by fanatical intellectuals like Lenin, Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

My thesis, not original, is that the incurable wickedness of the self-righteous on the Left is a murderous plague haunting all humanity, and very well will destroy the world, or plunge into a thousand year totalitarian darkness every bit as charming as Buchenwald.

They exterminate all opponents, and force all to join their cause or die. They are utterly group-oriented, as they spread herdism, socialism, totalitarianism, poverty, class systems and iron centralized government grip over every aspect of the horrible lives suffered by all under its supreme reign.

These fanatics are unreachable because they work for Satan and Lera, while not realizing it. They impose their ideological, hellish nightmare on unwilling victims by terror, force and group pressure. While bringing pure sin and destruction to all that they blight by their touch, they always claim the moral high road, exclaiming that their only motive is to offer the world a system of beliefs--complete with big government framework and institutions--that will reform, and save all people, allowing them all to live in the city on the hill.

These fanatics are unreachable because they actually assert that they are the good guys, when in fact they are the bad guys, as bad as they come. It staggers the imagination to realize how exempt from actual reform and obeying direct orders from the Good Spirits about how to improve, and how we all need to get at it.

Pamela Geller is alerting the world to the fact that the conservative theological collectivists, the radical Islamists, are devils in disguise, under their moral excuse that they represent the monotheistic, all-benevolent deity, Allah.

She is pro-Islam: she wants and invites Muslims everywhere to moderate and modernize, giving up shariah law and jihad. She sponsors cartoon drawings of Mohammed to instruct them on how to act when people around the world exercise their free speech, even what they regard as blasphemous free speech.

In fact God prizes free speech, even blasphemy, and personal liberty and free choice above any religion that does not honor these lovely expressions of freedom. God is only loved by those that follow God freely. God is only loved by individuated, moderate, fiercely independent humans that worship God of their own free will.

What traditional, more temperate Islam and radical Islamists represent is the leading religious center on earth for advancing the cause of Satan and Lera. They do their horrifying and vicious deeds in God's name, and that is rank blasphemy.

There is little racism left in America before Obama took office. Now he fans the flames of racism. His objectives are three in Baltimore and elsewhere. First, under the guise of blacks being picked on by whitey, he is encouraging mob violence by low information minority voters to intimidate public officials, to cow whitey and overthrow our noble, just grand jury system. Barak and the Left plan to claim that minorities are the victims, when in fact they are encourage to victimize whites. This is a march towards reverse racism, ultimately flooding the country with millions and millions of people of color to attack white, to enslave whitey, to wipe out the American Way, and commit genocide against every whitey still alive. Satan and Lera are behind Barak's plan.

Barak and the Left use racial strife to further divide the people, and they get fighting in the streets. If Barak can declare martial law, then he can set up his dictatorship permanently, acting like a savior for the discord that he sowed and invented.

Third, Barak and the Left, want to nationalize all police departments, and allowing DOJ to control local departments will enable him to establish his state police to enforce his totalitarian decrees.

We free Americans must battle radical Islam, and disallow any more Muslims to immigrate here. We must outlaw shariah law in all 50 states. We must go to war, world war if necessary, so that our Crusade can save the West, thus saving all humanity.

We must attack and attack the Left and Barak with every legal means we can. Liberals are self0righteous, setting up the socialist dictatorship under the guise of racial equality and political correctness. All is sacrificed to spread centralized government over every inch of the country, completely engulfing and directing every private person.

Their mandate is from hell, though they claim Yahweh and Jesus bless their grasping venture. In fact, they work for Satan and Lera. They mean none of us well, and ache for the chance to own us and hurt us all, all for the sake of their god, Liberalism, the front cause for dark powers spreading over the earth. Under the mantle of doing good, the self-righteous distribute group hurt and crowd status to us all.

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