Thursday, May 14, 2015

Numbers, 24

When Balaam follows Yahweh's orders and instructions to bless and not curse Israel, he was sending a message to Balak, and to all enemies of God's chosen people, that any nation or people, as a whole, or as private persons, serve a good deity, and are faithful, pious and obedient, those that curse and attack them are from Satan, not God, and will be cursed by the Balaams' of their respective generation for their nasty persecution of God's people.

The understructure to this account in numbers is the assurance from Yahweh, or whatever positive, benevolent deity that you worship, will be with you and overcome your advesarial persuctors or wicked nations out to destroy you.

If we truly believed, and truly practiced as we are meant to, God, God's angels and God's-this generation's Balaams--will unite to ensure the victorious protection of and survival of God's faithful here and how on earth, in this time.

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