Thursday, May 28, 2015


I read this alluring ad in the New York Times from IBM: what we know we cannot unknow. The world is getting smarter everyday.

It is not suppositious to declare that what we know, we cannot unknow. Once, something becomes public knowledge, that level of understanding, community savvy and technical expertise are indelibly embedded in the public consciousness.

The world is getting smarter everyday in terms of expanding knowledge, and techinical know-how.

The world is getting more dangerous everyday because techical explosion in knowledge is so far ahead of ethical and religious medievalism.

Also, the fake optimism so prevalent in liberal thinking posits that humans are naturally neutral or are basically good.

We are naturally depraved, and running in groupist packs only feeds our worst instincts and tendencies. Add to this dangerous reactionary approach to living is the new, smart technology and knowledge. It will bring about World War III. World War IV may end human existence

The world is getting more wicked, and more stupid. Never, has the need for Mavellonialist values been greater.

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