Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ed The Prophet

I truly believe that I am a Mavellonialist prophet send by the Mother and Father to bring this blessed faith to humanity, and to provide an invitation and voice for a faith leading to future redemption and hope for beleaguered humanity.

Does this make me someone that people do not have a right to insult, revile, draw cartoons about or insult? No they have a right to do this, and will do it. That is guaranteed. Their right to blasheme me, and insult God as described by me is their First Amendment and natural law right. What God does to them here on earth or in the afterlife for so being blasphemous and disrespectful is between God and them. I have nothing to say about it, nor should they. Should they attack me or my family in person, they will be met with fierce resistance.

Mohammed was a man not a God. If I, a modern day prophet can be attacked and ridiculed without legal repercussion, then drawing cartoons of Mohammed should be without legal or jihadic repercussion.

Islamist, radical or more temperate, must come to agree, accept and practice a severe tolerance for free speech. Tolerance of religious freedom of thought, action and speech trumps all claims of heresy and blasphemy.

Any good deity worshiped will demand strict adherence to this severe tolerance of dissent and upsetting free speech expression.

Where adherents reject this adherence, they are devil worshipers and totally wicked, to be opposed and stopped by most any violent or military means coming to bear.

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