Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Cyborg Humans

On 5-25-2025, CNET carried an article by one Chris Matyszczyk about humans evolving into cyborgs within 200 years.

A cyborg is a hybrid creature that is part natural and animal, and part mechanical, part electronic and part neuroscientifically engineered.

Israelis professor Yaval Noah Harari believes that within 200 years humans will be god-like cyborgs because we cannot help keeping on developing ourselves.

My reaction: if we remain strictly organic and individuate, we can be god-like--living angels--within 30 years as the culture of maverization kicks in and ramps up.

We could invente and create an intelligent race of robots, pure electronic, pure metallic and pure computer, that will be a new race.

Or we can blend human organicness with robot-inorganicness.

Those options may be morally viable, but we should proceed slowly and carefully, and pray to the Good Spirits for guidance as how far to go, when to sop, and where to go.

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