Thursday, May 14, 2015

Poor Michelle

Here is a pampered, spoiled Princess, at the apex of wealth and power, enjoying lavish vacations all over the world at taxpayer's expense. Her response: racist, white America has picked on her and slighted her in so many ways, and she is so unappreciated and has it so rough?

What she should do is apologize for not appreciating her privileged lifestyle, and offer thanks profusely to hardworking middle class voters that subsidize her lavish lifestyle, and whose sacrifice she so undervalues, and how they patiently endure her demeaning slights and criticisms of their conservative values.

Her message should have been: set aside racial identity, and you too, out of any ghetto in America, can rise up, better yourself, in perfect freedom and opportunity, to become President or a self-made, brilliant mechanical engineer and millionaire in blessed America where prosperity, freedom and blessed opportunity are equally available to all that get after it, without any or little racial, gender or class obstructions  standing at all in the way.

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