Thursday, December 12, 2019

Prager On Gun Violence

Prager wrote a column in 2019 for The Daily Sginal. He refutes right of the Leftist blaming mass shooting and gun violence on the existence of gun. Through American history, millions and millions of people privately owned millions of gun, and mass shootings were rare occurrences. What has changed?

Guns don't kill people, bad people with guns kill people.

 Prager considers factors that create bad people that kill with guns. His solution: do not confiscate the guns, but make most future Americans good people with guns once more, so that they can have guns and rarely committ mass shootings.

Prager lists his reasons why we rear bad people.We have reared an immoral and amoral generation. Relgion is not practiced. Morals are not taught to the young. Boys have fewer male role models in their lives. Normal boy behavior is held in contempy by feminist teachers, principals and therapists.

Prager shows that ethnically pure countries like Japan and Europe have few mass shootings, while America is the most ethnically and racially diverse country inthe world and we have a split, balkanized culture, where immigrants no longer Americanize and assimilate to the American culture.

Where there is racial and ethnic purity, there is one culture. When traditionally America was a melting pot of peoples, races and cultures, it had bu one Anglo-language and culture. Where kids are brought up in a mono-culture with God taught, and one set of moral values, taught, believed and mostly practiced by parents, the children grow up moral and good, and guns can be in the households without mass shootings much happening.

Prager warns that boys that murder are single, did not attend church and are not married.

Let me quote Prager directly: "Finally, since the 1960s, we have been living in a culture of grievance. Whereas in the past people generally understood that life is hard and/or they have to work on themselves to improve their lives, for half a century, the left has drummed into Americans' minds the belief that their difficulties are caused by American society--in particular, its sexism, racism and patriarchy. And the more aggrieved people are the more dulled are their consciences."

If we taught our children self-control to love and follow God's laws, to maverize and grow  up, and cultivate a positive, grateful attitude, then they would work on themselves and not blame external sources as the source of their failure and unhappiness.  Prager knocks the ball out of the park, again.

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