Sunday, April 12, 2020

Egoist Fellow Feeling

On Page 276 of "The Unique and His Property", the Landstreicher translation, Max Stirner implies a form of normative egoism in that the love of an egoist creates fellow-feeling for other human beings: "I also love human beings, not just a few individuals, but every one. But I love them with the awareness of egoism; I love them because love makes me happy. I love because love is natural to me, it pleases me. I know no 'commandment of love'.  I have fellow-feeling with every feeling being, and their torment torments me, their refreshment refreshes me too; I can kill, not torture, them. In contrast, the high-minded, virtuous philistine prince Rudolph in 'The Mysteries of Paris' plots the torture of the wicked, because they 'enrage' him. That fellow-feeling only proves that the feeling of those who feel is also mine, my property; in contrast to which the relentless practices of the 'righteous' person (for example, against the notary Ferrand), resembles the lack of feeling of that robber that cut off or stretched his prisoners' legs to the measure of his bedstead . . .this is not fellow-feeling.

You love the human being, therefore you torture the individual human being, the egoist; your love of humanity is the tormenting of human beings."

Stirner is characterized as an amoralist, and he is, but I worry that his amoralism may lead to immoral results after basically evil young people, without moral training, running in packs become generally wicked and corrupt, as bad anarchy reigns across lawless society.

In the paragraphs quoted above, Stirner seems to counsel that fellow-feeling, or kindness towards others, is normal and a norm among egoists, who retain an empathy for others and fellow sufferers, and will not be unduly cruel to them.

Altruists, on the others hand, idealistic and righteous true believers, will coerce, terrorize, torture and murder egoists, sinners and criminals, those that disobey joining the ism that the righteous adhere to so fervently. There is unlimited cruelty and viciousness where fellow-feeling is lacking and that is among these altruists not the egoists with their petty, personal, trivial motives for how they act and live.

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