Sunday, April 12, 2020

Psalm 105, 12-14

With this Psalmist quote, what seems embedded in the  verses is the reassurance and divine promise that God will go against civil authorities when they oppress or abuse the faithful. It indicates that God's natural law and national law may not be one and the same. How this is to be construed and what is leads to as citizen action is not obvious, but individuating supercitizens are not be prefer or supplant God's law with human law: "Wandering from nation to nation and from one kingdom to another people, He lets no man oppress them, and for their sake, he rebuked kings."

Now a historical skeptic could challenge this promise that Yahweh protected the Jews against the Nazis, but I can refute this charge. The Nazis did murder the Jews, but the Allies may have been sent by God to end Nazi tyranny, genocide and world conquest aims.

Also, if the Jews and all repressed peoples, abused by tyrants anywhere, were Mavellonialized, living angels and feisty (give me liberty or give me death) soldiers, armed and lethal in God's army on earth, no tyrant would long be able to kill, terrorize and subjugate them. And where the law of God is written in action on the hearts of millions of souls of any generation in any country, in this way, God would indirectly rebuke kings that over-stepped their bounds as legitimate executives, amassing power to themselves as tyrants on the rampage.

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