Sunday, April 12, 2020

Max Stirner And the Greek Concept Of Ataraxia

I have just finished a 10 month long project of rereading Stirner 5 times in both translations (Byington and Landstreicher) of Max's "The Unique and His Property".

I have several blog entries on Stirner and his subjectivist materialist form of negative moderation (the Unique, in his state of ownness and emotional ataraxia) is, paradoxically, at the same time both for and against every conceivable concept, or abstraction, that is presented to the Unique's consciousness. This epistemological and emotional neutrality is necessary for the Unique to adopt towards all ideas in order that they do not come to own him and have power over him.

My positive moderation is an emotional and epistemological stance towards all abstractions, that is grounded in individualistic, objective idealism. My ideal of reaching and keeping a peaceful, tranquil state of mind, no matter what idea that I am for or against is my way of making sure that the abstraction serves me, and not me it. With this conceptual stance taken, the individualist/anarchist can then process to maverize, serving God, the self and the world, in powerful, creative, inspirational ways, much less accessible to the Unique, under Stirner's negative moderation.

The neutral, moderate approach that Stirner offers to the Unique, in his ideal, ataraxic frame of mind is one that I accept and incorporate into my offered frame of mind for individuators as they appraise and react to any and all abstractions.

Stirner is neutral about going along with any essence or thought introduced, but I also insist that the ataraxia-existing Unique go beyond Stirner in his application of neutral conscious ataraxia when evaluating any abstraction or essence, applying it also to every emotion, feeling, subjective mental state, even to Being and existence themselves.

Positive epistemological moderation is a binary reaction to all mental events, rational or irrational in nature.

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