Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Awakened Citizen

 I would like to launch a project entitled: :The Awakened Citizen". 

Big Tech Firms and the traditional media have steered our citizens, manipulating us, directing us, telling us what to think and we fall for it as a people far too often. We believe what we read and what we are told uncritically. We are lied to, brainwashed, mind-controlled and commanded how to view the world in line with whatever the elite running the society at a specific time in history deem to be useful for sustaining the status quo that they are protecting. And the people mostly swallow that narrative and then obey it, protect it and perpetuate it in line with what the elite in powers is promoting to protect and further their interests. The Communist mass movement that stole the election from Trump, and is putting soon-to-be promoted President Harris into the White House, has the people believing their Big Lies, their media sponsored and fed narrative that renders the credulous, compliant, meek, enslaved masses  lacking will, subservient, and eager to embrace and repeat the crap fed to them by their socialist over-ladies and overlords. LEFTISM is the new religion, and Big Government is God. These fervent, true-believing, college-educated American citizens are Woke but the are the Awakened as I propose to initiate.

Imagine if 125 million American adults are awakened as informed, willful, gun-toting, God-worshiping, liberty-loving, free market enthusiasts. As they self-actualize and politically take over the country as armed, feisty, tyranny and communist loathing, the individuating, anarchist supercitizens will take it to the Communist elite now running our country. They will take back America and save its institutions, values and people's freedom. Their reinvigorated, re-launched American Way will awaken the vast majority of Americans from their dogmatic, Red slumbers. The Awakened Citizen is a model of how to live and participate in any polity on earth, and this is one export that the rest of the world would benefit from.

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