Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Revisionists

 The Statists, the Progressives, and the Envirostatists find no redeeming value in the American Way. This is why, for 50 years or longer, they have carped, demeaned, put down and disavowed every aspect of Amereica and the West. If they can separate the citizens from their traditional values, they can redirect them to adopt all the sick, devilish and horrible values of Leftism. Ameritopia, or hell on earth, is the aim of these deniers of civilization. 

Their anger, their resentment, the lust for destruction, their hatred of the free, the happy, the God-centered, rational, sovereign individual, and the culture and political system that  sustains and nourishes him, are these cancerous holes in their souls and psyche welling up in their collective consciousness as this Marxist mass movement, this mob, works feverishly and tirelessly to stampede a bewildered, lost, cowed and frightened people to join and celebrate their push for Leviathan victory as the Washington Swamp spills out of its boggish limits and floods across the entire nation, engulfing all.

As the people are un-moored from their traditional values, as they are pushed and shoved by Progressive agitators, divided up into identity group against all other identified groups, a naked, narrow, law-of-the-jungle battle emerges, of all against all for the accumulation of raw power, the lawlessness and disorder existing among balkanized people ready to engage in race war and civil war--this is the state of emergency that the Left has fomented to justify their grabbing of strongman, declaration of national, martial law, temporary swayed of course, under President Harris, to usher in the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Mark Levin warns of this on Pages 16 and 17 of Plunder and Deceit: "By cultivating agitation and balkanization almost nothing about the civil society is said to be true, right or lasting, and, therefore, worth preserving and perpetuating. Instead, much uproar is generated in the quest for utopian abstractions and societal transformation--the fundamental cause around which  younger people have been encouraged and trained to rally, to their detriment, and the jeopardy of subsequent generations, and to the benefit of the statist." 

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