Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Variety Section

 The Monday Variety section of the Star Tribune newspaper carried a nauseating article: "Meet Minnesota's Woke Coach with a picture of a black lady, Seena Hodges, hailed as Minnesota's Woke Coach. Reporter Erica Pearson wrote the article, introduced with this gushing headline: Seena Hodges work to set her clients on the path to create a more anti-racist, inclusive world."

My initial response to that Seena is steeped in identity politics, labeling all whites as one group, and she knows us not at all, and her libelous, false incendiary, accusatory mischaracterization of white people is pure racism against us, and it sends us back in time where racism and tribalism were of paramount political, social and economic imprtance. America is the least racist, most inclusive country that I can think of, and to pit whites against blacks and all other identity groups, postmodernly stereotyped as tribe against tribe in the pure pursuit of power is very exclusive. People of color will, in the future, as their numbers grow, exclude whites systematically to subhuman treatments as the blacks if Rhodesia and in South Africa are doing or had done to whites. This Marxist agenda is pure hatred and viciousness and I loathe and reject all of it.

Seena believes that racial equity is the defining issue of our day. Actually, moving away from race and group identities for all Americans is the defining issue of our day as we reemphasize the Western ideal that the individual is sovereign--as maverizers, the Age of the Individual will dawn.

Seena explains that anti-racism is a lifestyle. She believes that not being racist for whites is not enough. You must be anti-racist, and she asserts in America is inherent in the systems and structures and government bodies because a lot of those things were built on racist principles.

For me, these accusation come right out of critical race theory which is crap all the way through.

Racism, where it occurs is repugnant and to be condemned. Racism, especially institutional racism in Aemrica is rare Blacks and all people of color have all they need to excel in this lovely, unbiased country of limitless opportunity for those that get after it.

To label people or identify them by their group identities is racist, and it needs to stop. We need to move forward as a colorblind society, and what matter is what the individual does and says, the rest of Progressive propaganda, not worth an over-salted bag of popcorn, and as sure to be tossed in the dustbin of history.

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