Thursday, January 28, 2021

Even The Veterinarians Have Lost Their Minds

My wife took Cooper, our little rescue dog into today for his annual exam and some shots that were due. Cooper was a runaway, or abandoned dog from Canton, Ohio. We think that he gravitates to women, and that some abusive or drunken husband or boyfriend us to beat him or kick him. He is terrified of men, and it took me many months to get him to trust me. He is a great dog, very sweeet, affectionate and smart. He is very anxious and will shiver and rembleif the smoke alarm goes off or if his sister, Sasha, leaves the house. We are able to calm him down, and he is leading a pretty normal and happy life. Today, my wife took him to his appointment. We have gone to these vets for years, and really like them. Now, they have a crazy policy that the dog owner has to stay in their car, per Covid-19 protocols, and the staff comes to the car and gets the dog and returns the dog after the appointment. They sent a guy out, and Cooper freaked and broke away off the leash and fled. My wife was able to get him and he went in for his appointment--she insisted that she accompany him, and finally they relented and let her go in with Cooper for his appointment. I have taken many pets into these vets, and all have bee traumatized by and dreaded going back there at all; Having the owner go in with them made it bearable. To ban the owners to the parking lot, now adds a huge extra level of stress to the pets, and dislike going to the vet at any time, and with Cooper the anxiety over this multiplies several times. This woman vet kept pushing putting Cooper on some powerful tranquilizers and my wife said no very firmly. The vet created the mess, and then wants to apply drugs to solve the problem. How did such smart, conscientious dotors become so bone-headed? This new policy is cruel and hurts the animal patients that these doctors are supposed to protect. The whole world has gone mad right now and the malevolence and cruelty from the dominant Left has on gone maintstream, extending the range and depth of needless suffering even with so simple a chore as taking the dog to the vert.

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